moile. out oif control, crashied dowin an embankment and into a t ree. the impper part. of whicb toppled over the -àr roof. R..ent17 Retuv.d Mr. Renneckar, who was 70 years f agehad recently retired after 30 year!; in the retail drug business in the coni. mumity. l3efo--re coming to *Wilmette. he -had bee i in the wholesale tradt for some time but prior to that he had been a pharmiacist in Ohio. îrePht A charter inember of the Wilniette Robert W. H-enderson, left) and Howard, his brother, sons.o! Dr. aid. Masonic lodge, Mr.. Rennecicar wa V1rs. R. H. Henidersopn, lW ainette, arc bot/ ivay from homne titis >year attenîd- active in the af airs of, the old Oui- 119sehool. Robert IHenderson, tîhio was graditated lest sprijiag front Netc' miette Country>club, the North 'Short Trier Towîaiship High school, is a Ireshiant ut' Princeton iiiiz'rsitly, inid the and Mission -HuIs golf clubs,. the yoaanqier son zi-ho Ibaeished eighth grade ai Howard school lastilame, is entrollcdti Chamnber of Commerce, and the Rotary et 1i/te esterti Militar y acadrpny at Altota. club. ___ He is survivecl by a daugbter, ,Mrs. Margaret Hall, 1008 Greenleaf ave- comnmunîty, or cai thet Wilnýette ,S Wilmtt-,IS-** tt » rV 7 Mrs . i w m eiH-aTh et Ifat eMfar' cln, R. B. Hicks, of,.Toledo, Ohio; by a P.T. .Te 4tIfn elaecii brother,, Walter, of Napoceon, Ohio: wiIl be held Qo Wednesday, October and by three sisters, ail residents of that 13, f rom 2 to 4. p.m. Dr. Noti Shaw, state, Mrs. R. W. Whitaloer of Massil- Caf eteria Pediatrician, in charge. lon, Mrs. Orley Morey oif Holgate, and When Central school <>p><ed ge-te The regular mont hly chest clinic Mrs. Charlts Clad f Néw Bavra e 13, the cafeteria began its seod soîi'MondayOtbr1 t1pm Wa M~i. wa.year of serving the children an(] faCultv DrIulu Novak, medital director wIm Ims Um L.4 vt .:. ... Tî....a,4:.. 'j i,.~the Chicago Tuberculosis insùettt( àop',-aur avontes iave j Il!colil teri a ucessful mn at the Iotel Nw Y rr They will dvt their tine to develnping talent as figure and.- sipcd skaters fromI the host <>1 ,y< th fl(ui Ch i- cagf skaters. Sport Popula, Here Chicago bas always, stood-Kig I the field 'of sp)eedl skating and. topped a fille record at the \rca last iear *lien I4eo F reisinger . of the C. Y. 0. won the National titie lby a >widc riar- gin. Chicagoans also coPp)ed thetc team titit. figure skating bas as yet dev-elop)eil no local champions but untder tht ex- pert tutelege o)f faptie and Laulh youthi- fui Nancy Meyer daughter of DIr. KarI' Meyer of tht County hoqspital, nacle rapid strides last seasoni and should K. ini the first flight this season. Ruth, 1wlno 15 ex- n)I this *Win- ontm of the nce Mirabel [as. Renneckar is survived by tw<) cij r gaa ghters of her first, miarriage, Mrs. One of the mes Martin of Grosse Pointe, Mich., o.the luchro( Mrs. Frank Stratton of Indianap- of ,,.,~ it ilii thlis, last year metIe nealtn L and 111- day, Septeibe Parent- a new member, gan. 411 Ridge welcollied On ti IMiss Marie1 gphlascs nresa Ci sa plan nuss1 h e SChool1 stittutC, %vas a . :.w..Cen ter on Wed s hlciTlîr~who ivi1l again be at the CMn«,Ie of the which time fnîighty $50.000 NVrlitzcr organi. A Ilianm T. .Mor- feature iI bhe requjest prograins playc'dý nilworth, ivas hv tthé brilliant orgaist. supler%,isor of 'erculosis in