IDAVIS RR IUU I 721 Man St.. Evanton, Uni. 7210 01 uraing unia.nes WINNflC PRMU:WIumstka177 te *ak P B..IX The tauring the DV't iew.years. Ini the last decade chemistry; of suéli things as cernent, plaster and the plastics has, been clarified. The utitity and:limùitations of standard materials. wood, brick, steel and stone are bet- ter understcod. To give coming home owners and the home building i- dustry the belnefit of Our more accur- ate understanding of what constitutes sound construction,. the Ainericati Standards association, a grouping of' national bodies, and Ille Federal Bit reau Of: Standards, havle joineëd in pre paring a new standard or modlel build.. ing code for theuse and -guidanxce Ili Cities,'Ii :rewriting tilîcir rdinances. The code wili be simpler and better iii bothi itn techiiical and adrnnistrative Provisions than codes under whichlt w l- a . - - h o u s e le exelu- ' ll ýo America,, business 'dy who buys or builds fact that inin any cities.ý :ost of building. ýes under the Buildinig ng comrnittee are now termits issil Spast week: -sisters of maculas eco