RsêseI!Hu tell)t, is preësideit ai the Radio club,, organizatioi, of antale.ur faels oal.evc Trier' 7o-,nkshtit Iligit school, and Ariher. Borrent (rigqh ièî.l9DIC j: theg' db's station, apid il uus largècly throsagh the t'iiuPs atztixthalt a 1111 'rof r(ltiti youpig pepleesenteda~ ~pria ovr alUhiU90 sitioi.' last Satlfrdav. J.. Raymond Smith, 1210 »/'SIi>UO»avée a* i,ètes te. is factilty spûoirO (of lte grou f, maity 01 it'iiiom 4 ~are lice'used oprratars. - i j ought to bc put on record soxnewhere. I PER ONALIII~S rs. Scolnik explained tbat she had I looked at literally thousandsof bouses (Conirnd frouiua~e54) Winnetka, and her indefatigable agent :>rhps tibis cde tieI For th. meaxbvum of confrof and à maximum of comforf - y fthe now Le Gensil They feafure tf4. 7wo-way. one.Way" confrol- bâti sfretches up and, down from hip to hi, vnolding the hi,> lin. kiodolighiful curves;e the sideslr.lch BOTH ways. This aissure you real comforf end Le Gent lways S'as'yin MuadI $ 7.50 OO.v Le GailMO"es $3.50 end o, tve tOl -said. f"%- . m 4 )Ilsei. [( -Ulm