cented with d(Jn)ifet, were the colors ColiilillCd in the %vedding( of Miss Katleen 1larvev' and< M'Nichîael Puitnîan, of Jvaîîstoi11 wilîi l ook lplace at 4o'cloc last Saturday- afternoo'n in, St. Francis Xaxier. church. Thc cereinonv w~as jicrformne< by the: Rev. Francis J. 'Magner of St. Mlary's cburch, Evanston, and w~as followcd by a reception at the boue Of the bridc's inother, Mr.Frank WlimVlrc l 1035 Greenwoocl ave nue., Large, whitec chrvsanithemnunis and *white tai)ers decorate-d the church *for the ceremony, and white chrys- anthemunis and candies were also. used at the Harvey hQ1»e £pr-.the re-~ ception. The bride was gownctid in an ivorv satin wedding dress,. and a Veil of Brusseis lace con fitied ini a smali poke bonnet cap. H-er flowers were an old-fashioned rouind bouquet of gar- denias edged witbh lles of the vallev. MNiss Helen Lvnch of Keniliwortih. the rnaid of Jlionor, wore a dress' of rose-gray taffeta with flaring skirt Miss' Mary .Alice Leslie (of Wiîîctk. iio is to be ,uarriccl Satuda tc) C..I ar ll urtt, Jr., (.f inlette, lias heen. enter- tailnedlj by îîa1vof lier frwends during the pat eek,. Miss' Hope 1-r enali oif 839 A>11 street, \\iinnctka.' gave a. per,ýoiýil shoiver *and bridge party> Tuesday evelning of last weck, aild theéolw Jing evenling Nliss 'Bîetty jean Hurtt. ~sstcr of the bridegrootil. vas lhosteýs *at a iinis.celianieoits slitwer, at blier jhumle, 708 Park avenue. Velsaveveing irýof th 1is %vedk AIrs. Ioli,î cCabe.of Evanstoil Ila d a dinter party for ithtiailîles. it thu Evalislon ;ou cii>.and itue ,I)iii>ter (itller. is î t,r l.. givuli 1 his i hursdaiv eveîîîîxi. bv the bridev- -roonis miother ai lier home. wýhilu Ili-, lbitciýr (tivtilertke îplacec diîtn - Smoilher iof the bride. is ututan tîîî the ninunîhers tof the bridai p u iv a ia bifet slprFridav ee1 gai ler home.,4 Li.ïcolin veu in.aragu. andI beryuigr>r'ler W 11i li j.1 ~i. be ll l i îe of tutashrs.Conpktnt~the lis! (ý uer.are Arthur Tav lor oi i- al.5*flIt C **fut wvere dressed simuilariy in turquoise taffeta and niatching poke bonnets. Ail of the bride's attendants car- ricd round colonial bouquets of roses in a rich shade of dubonnet. Mrs. Harvey, mother of the bride, wore a gown of electric blue baghera, a hat of the sanie color. anid a cor- * tl111 *UU<1 UP («(71, UPU Kaskaskia D. A. R. l'o Me.f Next in Glencoe il ~ JIaiitil tarip loti, 'l t imnUufor pq. iir hn' ruIL Uh,( Ihe'l inj, ,,Egg.çt ra il.ci Acquaintonce Party Dr. Samiuel Harknless wiil read the service before the families and a few intiniate friends, Satturcay evcning, at the innietka Congregational chtirclh, after wviclh Mrs. Leslie vvill lhold a sinail reception at lier home. lier sister, Mrs. George W. Provost brdeo itlugi arrivcd Wedncesday to' rty oit After a short wedding trip Mr. lok at Hurtt awid bis bride._will be at homie ident