, A fali color scheme with yel - low as the keynote w~as chosen for the wedding of Miss Eleanor Dodgson, -daugbter of Mr. and. Mrs. 0. L. Dodgson of McLean,. iii., and James Ed Ward Sproul Baker, son of Mrs. John Clark Baker, 347 Maple avenue, which took place Saturday afternoon in the chapel. of the First Meth- odist cburch ini Evanst on. The Rev. John M. Schneider, former as tor of the Wilmette Parish ethodist cburch, who rnarried M.Baker's parents, performed the ceremony. Pale yelloW cbryanthernums, many palms and candelabra decorated the chapel for the ceremony, and alrge oval bouquet of roses, smiall button chrysanthemûms, white cl-rysanthe- munis, and dahilias ini fali shades was placed in the center of the table in the parlor 'of the cburcli where a reception was lield after the wedding. Whitc flowers, decorated the altar, and candelabra and palmis formied the bacýkground for the marriage Saturday, October 2. oùf Miss June Orivig, daughlter of Mr. and Mrs. Shermnan R. Or- Wig. 921 Greenwood avenue, to Janies R. Lyon, son of Mr. and Mrs. I-Iugbi Lyon of, East Ro-ý chester, N. Y. The Rev. j W. F. Davies' of, Watikcgan.. an'old friend of the bridc's f am il y. read thec service at 4 ol'clock . i*the Hoives Memorial chapel iii E*v- anston. The bride's'gownl of whiite velvet with square Ilcck trinliniedl ii pearis, hiad .a tigbit bodice andi long train. A juet cap of seed pears hlii i place, aà long fllle vei, and lier bouquet was white roses, .gardenias *and sweet peas, with a cluster of orange blos- sois. worn hy lber grandiniflier at her werldinig. She hdrd a lace hiand- kertbief carried 13, ler grvat grandl- inother for lier marriage. Mis Janet Orwig.. the ilnaid of honor and only sister of, the bride, iwas gownced in d<llphiniiiinî liie tai. feta ati carried bronze and hurgund<1 Mrs. Orwig, niôrher- of the bride, wore royal bMue. satin with matching, hat, andi the mother of the bride- grom. wbo came froin Rochester for the wedding, M-as dressed ini duli rose tafTeta and bat. Both %vore Yossar ycar.