inittee if articles are brought in early so that there is tinte to sort and mark the. There %411 be'booths at.the Runi- mage sale, with memfbers of, the Woman's guild in charge according to Divisions: First-dishes, kitchen utensils and miscellaneous articles; Secord-furnituié and household goods; Third-shoe department, and, also books, fancy work and jewelry: Fourth-womens apparel and ini con- 'nectio.n with this the Frenich Shop ini charge of the junior guild; Fifth-mens furnishings;- Sixth-assisted by thie Philathea class-mnfant's and children's -wear, toys and games. A meeting of the poster -committee consisting of Mr. F. W. _Burpee, Mrs. Lake Iraxier. Mrs. Lawrence.W. Hitchcock , Mr%. Robert G. Houston, Mns. Clyde M. Joice, Mrs. Harvey A. Keys, Miss Gertrude Lammers, Mrs. Samuel J. Lang, M rs. M. L. Luif, Mrs. J. F. Rommel, and Mrs. Carl M.* Wynne. A book talk is to be a speciad fea- ture of the party and has been ar- ranged as enterta jument for those who do not play bridge. Miss Vir- ginia Bauen of Evanston is to give the program and among other plays, and books *hich she has r'eceived per- inis ion. to revaew. and will present that afternoon wili. be "The Masque of Kingsl" by Mxwell Anderson. The audience at' the book talk wil share equally with the card players ïu tIw wguling of pries. PUBDLIC LE(TURES *utamn Quarter at the Art lusitte of Chicago DUILDEERSOF TEE IVALUNIAN ID-I lectureS TIJUBEATS J0. A. EOU4Isz <Oct. n to . o9 AISD esi& te Isis P.K OIIEEN IIAXA--4 lecture-necitbt»Ai»l I.WAIS0(NOV. le t. Der-14), B ASUS 4OF mEVNA9ENAVIPE--g lectresby 145 t. 2846 LX Seri el or Loc m Avel» A. F. Mrs.1 Chapn Kennii cia S O'CIOCI man, licity LenIoir M1IillerwiU 88hav cnarge o lu worship service, and Mrs. Charles Moody is to sing a group of solos. The young people from Erie chapel will present a play entitled "For He College, Club Junior Hath Gre-it Possessions," and after the prograni Spçoke XII will serve] $toup 1o uuscus8 rli Whether ifs finest Englsb bone chino'for ber mosi ambitiaus dinners, or simwpe earth- enware for every day, she's sure ta b. de- vIiI.,4 lfh techina Vou seIéct bers.