710i#Ani@ St. Ev fou UNI. 4901 lad ividual lnatrution hI * SCULPTURE U IIy pmtàUIPASOIT 18U5 HINNAN AU. L EVANSTON. ILLINOIS alasuea neet nov e UNI. 141 Rosolie Roach Fousff UfI4oMedS -Furnllur ANTQUES AND MODMI W.al md FlouCmvulng slip Cwg World War. Inl his new novel, Iliropa o in Limbo, which deals with some of the -characters of Europ«, but introduces, a great number of new persônalities and is in every way a complete story in itself, the author carrnes the fortunes * of Julian Becm through the catastrophe Iof the World War, the bieak-up, of the Russian empire. the civil war i Russia. and the triumph of the Soviets. 12 T.ppimgDynuati.. Told with thec sanie vividniess and bru-. liant description that nmde Ilwrofa such good readlng, BUiropai in Limbo, with its battle scenes,* its re-creation of topplingý dynasties,' and .its ilramatic picture of two brave but bewildercd human beings moving across the lurid canvas of a world in collapse, becomes one of the mor e- dramtic novels of the day. ces to ind 1,on, A. J. Cronina, in wvriting his fo4rth novel, '*The Citadel", has stirred up the ire of the inedical profession here and inut !,ug/asdl.Tite her.o, Andrewe Manson, an idealistic young doctor, finds his ambitions titwart- cd by greed, stipidity, and Iealousy. The pîiblislaer of "'The Citaddl" is Little, Broivin & com>apty of Boston. "'Pàitern of Ibree" Has * nove! by the author of Thte Stars Look Downi and Hatter's Cath', the author who is supposedly caulsing an uipheaval in the inedical profession here and ini England because of hi%. satirical pres- enation.ry importance séeems to have been jttached to the wlîole conitroversy. Ninety per cent of ail collegé students are disillusioned by their first impact with the realities of earning a living and must make adjustmneîts. Antdrew .Maln- son, the hero of The Citadel, has great difficulty, in making his. He finds* repeated1 and tinsurniounit - able obstacles ini the path of true,$ceice t f the science of medicine. Inl tbrec, mining communities lie fails to make the progress he had boped for .and the ,ucces ' s' hçesired. FinalIy he goes ti, *London to develu)p a private practice and make some mioney for hlimseif and bis wife, Christine. In London, instead of waiting for the slow rewards of an honest practice. he falîs into the quick and easy remuner ation froni a fashionable clientële of neurotics. His wife, the finest and strongest character in the book, finally persuades him fo snap ont of it and 1 leads bum back to higher and nobler of Hallowe'en, the le"as told by, Lvies, former direct( mfmunlity House. foi Y>ork .Hleràld ýealousy, sttnpidity, cupidity, s are found to a degree nie or more human beingus are Ma-l LOON *-1