scored the first touchdown with a brilli- ant 23-yard run but did .ail of the pass- *ing. He gained 121 yards ini 15 at- tempts for an average -ofcight.yards per carry -and completed tbree passes for 48 yardls. Heap, wbo was too iigbt to play high school football, bas been an outstanding back ini the conference fr two years. He wcigbs more than he did in high scbool, but in civilian clothes this 170 pouin(l oung. man would bardly bc taken for. a hard-hitting hialfback. Put appearances arc frequently de- ce9virig as. layers who have opposed l-lcap will attest. Once in gridfiron regalia bc becomies a fast-ruiining, smashing bail carrier who has rung up one of the niost ainazing groutid per- formances ini recent Big Ten football histotry. 11, .two -«uf0eh4iice easoins he bas cariedthe ball tbtter thanl a 5-yaptd clip. ln bis sophon ' ore year hé gaitied a total of 672 yards ini 125 atteinpts foi au average of 5.3 varyearLa e 41yards, ani average of 5.7 vyrds er luNo Wçý-steriis up knvitoiso th 32 yars o the 11 isl-yr o tc1#oÎ lthe fou rth q*artr siput d tthéWlckt wkthin scoring distanice frorn whkh point tbey smasbçd ovér for the onlly touchdown of the ganie and theé Gophers first defeat in 21 games. Besides being a brilliant bail carrier,, h. also is a splendid passer. His ac- curate aerials Placed the Wildcats in