ANDSUUO~N)l<ECOMMUNITIFS A heutilil112, acre estale in 3 paeI-utbefoi suy dividing -eetIiEse'tioni. client «,L'rs 'kt VI'Y 1w ire ro <ndtimi. Vth :controts, 2.75 )aln tank antd 'stands. ýWllmette 1748. ,ale 'n >Aintique -Furniture. DE VN MO VERS -& STORAGE 7122w7124 NO. CLARk STREEÊT: *>~~~ .1~~.v~Vney locat- * ed-*exactly suitfed for a yeur FOR SALE1 AT RE:A 8ONAKB L E argiullu~w -Think o it- prices.: tablets, chairs, chiffnes us pe0 lr i4. cl dck, lIamps., etc. Also electrie chan- deliier. Il116 (<recnwood, .Wilmette -4531. ThsarrigtI ka. Ecllnt"Ylf$ is m' Addr ; KROEILER B1) DAVÈNPORT, I I 1<I.AI~ I i~.>I~.~I.\ and chair, kitühen tbe and day bed l:EAGori-c ; co~ndîitin. Wilniette '4926. 35t l~I 1.l'<>' ~7~.î4LL WAL.NUJT DINING ROOM1 Itastlgtt I .-w y finislie(l. 1Bargain for quick - jmme~t. Telephone Glencee..4. ___________________________________129LT21-1tie REAL £TATE LOANS AIAEN>R ND 2 CH a1Is.$2,5. le~-pie dining roorn set, $25. Sun FEDER.\LN ro> n rogm furniture, rugs and1 LOANS ON NORITHITHOREZE S. O<. ~ iX ~ ?t-~ l3orro,.-up to 41-0q,.4f Value.-onei-BYIEDINM. SET,, BAH-ýY*SCO ent mnonthly rre.pàyrnnt plan over 5 tc) edm.sot, E.ngllh cale. antique. dayý 15 yeatr. I)eal wvith a local institution. hv. primîg «11111 trss other furn. Full detiiIs hy inquiry at Kcntýiilwor-ttN11. 12lT21-1tib FIRST F'EDERAL, WALXUT DO B ED WITHI CO. SAVIN(5.- & A SOITO ;r,î~au fitrs,$12. Also 34 0FP II.Ml-ETTE l :w e<1with *Springs a ud mati., $;). .Mr. Clifton. Sécretary. 112ek Central iln c 31.12l.TN2111Pl Aveue.Wilett 123.127-LT2O-frCLIAlRK--JF.WEI, GAS STOVE. ALSO RF *I. S'IA'II~ 4OA S Istudlô coueh, very reasonable Winn "nt i 'f' i l _# ttîi n, m.'r* t lan Cnt value. rit. ~f'.Bxt(.W! mvtte. 1TU. 127AjLTN21-1tc FOR SALE-HOUSEMOILD GOGOS Collectors î wt it ANTrIQUE 1hEX.AP-SAN< I iAluNE"' maltle i ilt- yvr 4,f<J DM3. Jarlir (rai Il pia 1. N- A - comadt il - i tal iail 6 s-M ftî. arni. >pieC swli& lbronze Il:lt 4, beoI.. .k set: Ii 1-imi rpe >-t MODERN, 5-FT. COP trie refrigerator. Pet 2418 Elmwood Ave. W r- stami 1004-e Emersoni St WE BUT RuGS, BRIC-A-BI en's clothing, et verslty 0103. 993 ton. ;Ç5 EW FIR PIY 3 ply, 4 by 7 f .ltp 58 Ç.. Lov-ERS GET ToGE:TMeP-m 104)~ SAVE PWeNi<~UNr q. ANDC0 r3 Dîamond Wàiecoh" V and SILVERWAIRE