2507 KENILWORTHI AVE., WILMETTI Charniing nlew whiite brik-Z bedris, 24kItle baths,,pine panelledý library, recreation room- witb fireplace., 2' car -brick gar. ees It withot)ù obligation Sunday.. ~ll~R& son~ INC. 1511 sherman Avenue Rsog. 2616. ý Univ. 2600 Evansto» Wil. '2602: 1ILTN21-ltc Seclusion Is Yours AN -THIS, CO)MFORTABLE 7 ROOM. brick Colonial: beàutifully situ- ated on a large ravine lot-ý4 bedrooms, 2 baths; living room 14x25; 2-car garage. May, add 2 roomag and bath. At today's Market. Mr. Newhall. 11IL 0OWNER I3UILT EARLY CALI colonial in iovely Hubbard section. lluilt like the Rock Cost over $20,000, exclusive tect'a tee. Large living roorn McGUIRE.,&,ORR, Imc. 412 T)eerfield Road. Tel. 112. or 530* Davis St., Evanston I11LTN'21-1 te. MUST BE SOLD. 30 DAYS BE1AUTIPUL W M1 T E CLAPBOARD Colonial, redpced to $11,000-3 bcd- roomas, sleeping porch, 2 ' bathO, large wooded lot. Close to sebools and transportation iln exclusive residential. district. W. G. RUGGLES & Co. 617 Davis Street, Evanston Tini. 6886 Hot. 6886 Wil. 16,6 EATKFNILWORTHý-l LOViELY MODERN. COLONIAL. 9 rooms. 31/2 baths,, 2 fi replaces. oslate roof, Insulated. A good prpry ln every, particular. On quiet, exclur. location. Price $23,500. This ls only $9,500 ovrer bare lot cost. Addres8, 28 Rob0art Road, near Abingdon-lb009 ft. west of Sheridan. See your broker.1 SE E THE INTERIOR-PJNE ST CON- struction inoney can. buy-532 Ears- ion Rdý,. Kenil. 4 bedrns.,. 3 bath'.; 80-ft. lot; % cost. WITZLE BEN REALTY 56:1 Green. Bay Road Kenilworth 6540 YOUR NEW HOM- renting-a larg d peace of rmmd '~-~BEYOND COMPETITION ..TN2 1-Tc - 8$3,000 CASH AND $56 MONTH- ,IFORNIA NEW 6 room, 1 % bath brick A Woods* Colonial: knotty' pine gaine of Ages. roin, OnIy $11,000. of archi- NEW- CAPE COD-4<ENJLWORTH with log Gardons. 6 rooms, 2%6 baths. panelled Nicely landocaped. $13.500. *3 baths UD oj car gar- limti old trees a i m inodèrn. 7à0 Elin St., Winn. Winn. 2700.,lPri. 1855s V) ilu 93~%uw ,\Ir%. Fuer TILL OCT. 1-TI . PRICJC SIOUL»D 746 Elm Street isure hnniediate sale of tiîis NEtW Winetka 3603 7 room, 2%4 bath brick overlooktng ______ 'RD $85- 6 KOOM COLO Glazed porcl 790 Elin St.. Win». Winn. 2700, Bri. 1855 tîfully land» IXILTNl-ltc -$5,000. Ca JE. SAWYER SMJTI 72;5 Eni etËI.t., Winntka Wintiétka 3-100 114T.TN2I-1te 21 ACRES _ TELEGRAP}J ROAD, IS0UT1[rENI) 0F Lake Forest. City. water. dcec.,ga avaîlable. $8.500 if snld quiukly. M%,cG.UIR.E & ORR, mIc.. Over 4.3 Yeari4 f De»ntdabtleServirp 530 Daviq St., Evans.: ire. 1080, Wil. 22q I I4LTNIltc Htubhard Woods Vacant, 100xI40 F7. 'VZRY FINE WOODEDàr lot,, excellent location. Batik, ofers it $50 per ft. MIght divide. ýCaîl Mr. Thatcher. E. -SAWYER 7SMiTH d'25 Elrn St., Winnetka Winmtietka 350o0 HIGHLAND PARK M UR RAY &TI Highland Park BEAITIFIUL WOODI corner of Sheridan- Rd. an Glencoe. Will divide. B 1-1H. WRIGII' 92l1%1Main St., evani. G IIIL1TN21-ltp \ViII BuiId to Suit ON $2,500 LOT. PLANS READY. MR. Odinan. Phone. Kenilworth 2016. IILTN21-1lp Must h4e! soki at once 6 ROOM STUCCO $Oj~ 6,500. MBjj. LTN2î"-tls. LOT [arbor, ini 'ain. & Co. tirnber; epring-fed. water systeff. Cfoln- Plete set of farm buîildings in execell..nî condition. 10 rooffi franie residlence: electrie lights, etc. Locatcd in cer Cou nty. Price $150 per acre. Sainiel McNab Campîibell Northbrook 17î0 ACU"EG^NU140STATES COMPL wiE