tiîîg' arc laborate and( create eonl- îicing backgrû.mids. The Toéast of New York. (,RKo). I>ýrecttcd I)v lZùlailV. [ce. wÀll h.d- ward Arnold, Fraiices Fariuer-jack Oakie, Donald Meek, Cary'Granit.. While ilot authentic bistory, this film.' presents la ffkscinat.ing Story of; early Nc\7w York and the lit e of Jini Fisk *1110rose froîn obScurime, b power. The previewers oftlh e ier Filimi counc11 i Cliicagolaind were enitliuisiastic about t i iiý1cture. Waid Mny Praon Directeri lîy IýOI .ois ltîg, %wi ti 1*.lwà~rd, l-'Vcret t Canîpl>-ll. andtiI,ý 1»ai :îst S un pression of Ft « ...... 'iI t? trl d. kc divea rt of Jim » Pis di nuie scî a~ e.Thi- Toast Il t W pp e cr, at- slerf~r 't otuntant trize;ls t io. 1 1w,ea i - hleliits u '< gel an xclt,~i i <sud h, .Southi fas 'iist losi the C' ri u< iil( C~ -Miss Dee St-arts Drive .~ flrt a anu ;- criminal'. lnclty v on High Heel Footwc i'herc',ý a revival of the low-he Lynn Ovrn~n Idîîî~ ii ~ cra7e in 1-Iowood. Frances Lynne vermanit. 111%. 1wFargo," mith Joei I Lrea. las started a taunnaîsrîîaga rauices,'Fariier iii lir rote of Jase Manield ke, fiianicier anîd bon vkvauît, in lthe curreit <4.t'I*ork." The ,other kichire shows stinic Jibii. T71iw e.rpris é n ri"eals lis cillo- d Fi*ske,'s lortune to bivis edrti bonds Billie Burke Chooses For 0v dasof (ail. simart lit de 1 Frances Farmer-Edward Arnold Jmck Oakie-Cary Grmt Almo: WaIt Disne?. Academy Awar4 Revue" Feature Startm FrL 17:43, 10:30 Feature StartasBat. 2:00, 4:45, 7:30, 10:30 Sun., Mon., Tues, Oct. 3-4-5 ittsErotbers-i)om Au*el Alite Faye-Tony Mutila RUBINOFF Peatut'e Stairtet Sun. 2:00, 4:*35,, 9:0,:50 Feaiture'Starts IMon.-Tues;. 7:40, 10:20 Wed.. Thurs., ffl, Bat., Feature 8 Feature1 thesc f ir ehiooses of natuf, i vt :iL u tg ti i (1 11< c uur v ) i > h u ir 1,4i*17 tiu. I- i- u ,r-iticc. "' CAST FARGO DESCENDANT :utiniIle Ri ' titiirAppeariuig iii. ridIs)g sccet*es iMFrank pwlrodutctionl teIsFar- "&SHOOTS" THE STARS to s Dons Fargo, %viit'., grcat. Ilelen TJroy, ge. nunit candid caniera g-reat miclc %vas Wilhiaun Farg-o, onçe ficlnd. pops upin Iltle oddest fplace> (tj Itle two pionepes lartiiers on Ile \Ietro-(;ol(lw\-l\a%-cr lot, to ih.~ exloits are recouiteti in tlie getliecr 'Shot.- filin east %vich is headed hv boel jo-hn 'jeniflgs, amlatet r golfit cha pion, lias hen,.giveila ro.c Iin-Rosa- lie," co-starring Eleanor Powe~ l an Nelson Eddy. Si PENDLETON LEARNS TO TAPI Nat Peiidietoit has started tap