total ariove the mill1ion dollar mark, it was -an-. noýuicerl today I)v Norman F.; 1,ight- .hart, vice ri dent. Sales during the fal (»aso)i. aggregate 8189.70<' and approximately S7500 additional, Patronize Our Advertiser, s ae i ac- - ui ity during th,- - -, ~~early faîl has'not N .Uhhw a I ome p to expectations based on an ïI éet Ia spring period, said MNr. UPHOLSTERIccptional 1ighthart, the casing up of demtanid Iibs I»f was only inatural. in the lighit of gen- 1 ileralbuiness çronditiont.. ISIIMATES mm Wthêl Oblgtion DAVIS PUItNITURI ~Tinxi 1o01Iariner MarwIt "Evanston and the north shore have perhaps, been more fortunate than other sections oi Metropolitail Chicago)," he said1. -In the past two or thret years %%-(:bave taken this ac- celeraterl market as a matter o course an(] have been. disappoinited ii cach season did flot showv a substantial in crea,,e over each preceding oie. As, Johnn S. s..arac, Uk uounty as- The remodeling work is being done sessor, wilI address the Evanstoni- on thie residences of Kenneth N. orth Short RealIistate board 'at a, Ericson, 258 Forestý street, $8W,; meeting to lie held at 8, o'clock . Mon - Morris A. Scott, 958 .Pine street. $5 1d:eeigOtbr4 ii h or and Andrew E . Kuby, 367 Sunset rooms, 6W6 Church street.. vanston. road. $500. Members of the'property owners 'hi grae s ein bli b Jhndi,.ision of the Foard %vill 1)-7e speciall.v ivited, and the meetiing will also Tranzi,. 372 Provident avenue. eoe tohepbc. onebr guests may flot have an oplportut% Villa gers Res pond to ask lr. Clark questiotis î.)ersonall%. butthe iill have an opportunityt to Request for Trees hear discussion of the recent publicitv 1 7.given the personal property tàx que, 7- in W'ashington Park ti1on in the papers. Sevtrral viliagers are repgurtedl to At that time, it was stated ->tetps were have : embiraced the Oôpportunity to to l)e taken so0on to ýplace nlanv ad- Ila % e unini ec _-ssarv t reés remnoved . 1rom d(Iitional millions ,o0f: do 1 a rs %Yorth > cf theïr propertles and replanted in north shore personal property on the Wâshingtoii park. ini response to a tax rolis, throuigh infiormiation ohb- request by the Wilrnette Park Dis- tainiec from federal iincome tax ý-ched-j tLrct ;hoardl. Thbad a feedne.Iis threat tofrc correctio 1(j rçpe ro%,esch tresas are u abe fpersonal proP.erty - has 1 .or its purposes if.ree oi-c ost to the -tîrred up inuch commenltll! On the nortli owners. horu. and the quiestion w ý%ili he under It is said that many village lots 'licssion latil ext w(veek"s retw; are too shady for thte satisiactory ,Ii bcard. groving oi plants and~ flowers, b)ut that own*lers do not leel like .cutting Three New Homes in trees dowvn. Transpianted to the park et VekR cr thev %vill continue to. le a source of W let ekR cr pleasuire to present owners and the P'.u(idinl Conxmiiissý'ier Williamn A. public. WVolff reports the foliowing butilding, The board states that it can' t.sepermnits issued by bis \\Villette offce i NEWCOMERS Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Kracha, their :woi rlaughter.s. Frances and Ann, awl' their son, John,. came to the village friom[Los Angeles about the first of the ni month. They have taken the bouse at Park. board c inspectors Wil trees offered. CIVILç The United uested, to call the ber companiv, huilder.. S2 NVilmette 2105. anud Sept. 23--R. Nillis,1 nt to examine the avenuIe, private garage. buiilder. 8200l. Sept. 25-L. E. Clark. ýE EXAMS avenue, single faili Civil Servicec OII- ,Charles P. Rawson, arci cd an open comj- Tenkins. btiilder. $8,500. Z, (I t Sept. 28-W. C. Watsc 116 Lavinale- 1215 Gregory Iv residenice.- P- IN~ eMrs. 1~ tFoIrcst a% ja itr a 'h Ait S tiuard XNaike or Corpeh a, &nlm.s W. wiII sIuthmample$. Our papir. elbods and coUeetion Ulve yois the retail proat. 1335 S. Mie4n M Ae. Pli Vle.mý 220B *L Duas124 Stoeva en, 1101 ivalescing recently.