Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Sep 1937, p. 51

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î'orn~vesî me. tti,,rcrv vas or- 4!alnizetinii 190J5, atn1, like the Mar- garet 1hýtter cei as, for oyera getieratioti. Iecft a1(laytinifehome for cl*iltren whIilc their iothers arc ,ýaway at work:., These ýtWO nu11rseries, joi 1 harits ttn(ler the littite of fargarct Etter creche. 'l'ie 1)oard of this dav iitriýùrv ili carry, on ie %work of I>otl in'tîtu in the Sl)aciotts build- ing a(nt, grouintis of the Little 'Wall,- (lerer home. llite biidiing is ,iindergoinig Corpicte*'icHoeSîd» altéràt;i)iandi r'e(leccrat:itlroll*on himit: e$ttdi cs.andi about <)ctober 10, at therouh- _.àVrs. .qvîf(Is Silz hilltii f,,o of its ret-pneinlg,, over' the door îwil rItsw uetg aitc,'m l>e han1ginlit panel %vhich .as exe- J*t'asI iii a iPl cilléIad 1hîaIcof cliteti by ,Ch'ne elert. ýandi Pre-à (jtj 'ç" id, i,1' r7iII vof sented, 1w him to thé arareEier upn iù' p 'nifie éof "fielt ,,t créche ini 1895. Sot imdsa IN'if'um ' The officers of thie Margaretttir S . <l 2i .d<.- creclie are: Nlrs. 1NiiùIPBehnap, Ipresi- presîient: '\Ir's. lohn R. [honipson. .Ir., second vice-president; Ms. olnMsuSil. t o. Dingle. sccr-t;trv,- Nrs. john O 1. Nati- rSula o p hrn.treasitirer; Mrs. -amilton VOs i Jr.. assistant treasitrvr. Other tnm :8e eTn O aas bers %Nho are on the active list oi thu bIoardî andi are familiar. iaties on thf N or t 1iShore 1-adassah îîili open itcs norh sorearu Nf., Llyd >,alt-. var of wvork on October.6, at 2 :30 -Nrth J(soe agnus. Uoyd a1clt. Io'clock,' witb a talk. -Tales of Thrce McKearnan. M rs . Thomas McKear Citi*cs, bI)v Mrs. Avis Clanitz Shul- unt11 andi NI r>. Williami) ew~ev ôfNVn man. . w'ho iih recuint soine of ber neîka;experienices ini Palestine and the inear flore is every suaart and cc -plus a location that is Your tisit of inspection is çordiilly initd! ROOMS-SUITES-KIT.CHENrrE APTS. HOTEL 7SENECA' 200 EAST CHESTNUT STREE LEE PERRY, Managing Director, Sup. 2380 important in Fvery Wardrobe ...àaradleyKnit Soft and warrn, rich and colorfi, thse fali Bradley knits offer'a wide sel ection from wkick to choose that flau dress or suit! B.?radle y knits are always ready .~ e S t tt~I and îvorkedl un arni'collective, *Klar I IachwcvsJî7 as a mneber of the WII F afrRinggrpiva able to sec at frthn Clofhes afSf~110Showfl iv fthe ac:ual %work, but also Members ,jlt. uejun11(, illxl an \ j Y~~outh. î%%ho have been placeci on the the Southern Woinani's Edticational landi tht ewi1 the liellp of Hlatassali alliance wîiii %t rve as înodel,11 int. Inithuir \î hdepartuicnt. style siow wîhtdu wI hbc art of h Sliaý present at the dedicatioti benettestiouithe occasion ofthethh bellefit the alliance is -ioitz he odcasionroenthn 7 04 E VA m CH U RC S T 0N H STR EE T i L LINO 0 1s ~~-- Bradley Knits ExcIusiveIl I 1608 Chicago Ave.y Uni. 0973 a iunct on Tue r bO~ mette.

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