mette and' Joel W. Dickinson of East Orange, N.* J., son of Mrs. Joc*I W. I)ckin sýon of Xilmette, formerly of Kenilworth, .Whichi took place in the Wilinette Bap- tist church Thursday evening, Septeinl>er 23. Th olytochs of color were in. the bouquets of the bride's attend- ants, and in the multicolored dahlias which were arranged in large white urns fianking a background of green designed in, Gothic lines to conform to the architecture of the church. 0f white lace over White sat'in was the princess dress of- tbe bride, witb its tight bodice, and full skirt with a long train. A juliet cap of seed pearis held ber tulle veil to her hair, and w~hite froSss ad seetpeà loth her bouquet. Juliet caps of white taffcta were worn by the bride's attendants, with. their white sik marquisette dresse9 sex road, Kenil-worth, arrived homne from'their suimmer place at. Lincoltuville near Camden,. Maine, last week just in timne to join the preparations for the niarriage of ber son, Clifton 'B.* Osgood. to Miss Edna Allen, t-he granddaughiter of Frank Allend of Chicago and London. FP g-, land. Clifton Osgood is thie son of Mr. and Airs. RoNv C. Osgoodý of Kenilworth.- *The Wedding will, bel a small affair and will take place at Il o'clock Friday mornngOctober 1, in St. Mrk =pscpl churcb in Evanston. Follow- ing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Allen wil have a wedding breakfast at the ,gewtr. Beah hote1 in Chcago whMerthey have been staying since their arrivai from England. The bride will have two attendants, Miss Barbara Spencer and Miss 7Helefl, Peters, ber classmates wben she attend- ,ed Kemper hall. Donald S. B~uck of Madison. N. J., Mr. Osgoo's class- mate at Princeton university, wiII be his best mnan. The bride and bridegroom wil 'qwnd 411i enu o1>i Lou Leingruber, mony which wi Rev. GcorueJD. ide, Miss Mary luring the cere- -formved Iy the tulle Io lier ich %vas >er- cfP; John G. Lloyd Voit Miss Betty Kelcham l'o Be Married Oclob.r 23 Saturdayý, October 23. has L