mouD moue arn REGISTER OTBR5 Indications at the time these lnes ar written are. that flot mnore than one-fourth oif tbe eligible voters nthe 40 prcnets of Nw Trier township took ad- vantage of thet opportunity'for permanent regfistra- tion Monday. There îs a partial alibi for this seeming iack-,of, interest on the part of veters in the redistricting which was amade during the ssummer, creating. nine additional precincts, making a total of 40 iistead of 3l, as heretofore, and chaniging inany of the accus- tomed pollinig places. But that caninot possibiy, accotant for the fallure of so mnany citizen-, te add their names tc> the permanent registration lists. As an indicaton of tihe ser usness'. cfthe negiect on the part of voters. it is st ated that iii one precict oilly 163 registrants appeared. out of a piossible 000. And this is said te- have ben an average over the township. 0f course, there was thte excuse that there is a second registration dây-ýÉuesday, October 5-and* there was no need to go to the trouble on tht irst day. That appears to be sheer laziness. or a total lark of appreciation of the voting franchise. _Vhat- present precinct. That aioet shouid be surficient înducement for aIl te register. even if the righit te vote is valued at se low anl estimate. The permanenit rcgistration law is recognized as tht greatest forward sîcp in election prcedure ln many years. It was promioted and suppcxrtetd by the Ieawzue. of Women Voters. whose persistent efforts and material costs, an official with an intimat knôwledge of the subject gave this, answer: "A biouse that cost $10.000 te build a couple of years or less ago, now cost rm$200 e$300»It :%%otjd thus appear.that materiai manuüfacturers and labor unions have made the mistake of incteasing cos>ts te the point where the goose that .Iays the golden eggs gives up tht ghost. FvRE PiREVENTION The week of October 3 to 9 ,has bWn set, aside, bY the Presi(dent. the governor and the mayo rs of major cifics, as Fire Prevention Week. This re- curring atnnual 'observance is -in> commemoraion of the great Chicago ire which began on Octoher 9. 1871, and is nation-wide in its extent. The purpose Of the event is te focus attention On the simple,,atlpd cickal hijngs, tba tan bc den<c te protect life and property from ire, and to reduce tht 50 per cent or more of ires that arc started through carelessness. It is estimated that in 193( a tiotal of 10M< persons lost their lives in ires.; During the saine periol the 'property losses amotinte:I to more -hall $2M0.000,I4100. ani tirease of i11.9 per cent over 1935. Duriig the coming weck ire prevention forces. in- clu<lmg the regularly estabiished fire-figiiing (le- tif) reastii ir iéx prevautions. ania viiiagers snouiuj be on guard against the starting of incipienit blazes that miight deveiop into coniflagrati6ons that would resit ini property ioss or. the deatlh of tieigbibors. Iii tht case of ire, eternai vigilance is the price of safety., At this trne of year, particularly, extrerne cationi shourd be used. The startitig of fires in furrnaces If you have been sympathizing with the children over 'the opening of school, just watch a group of thlem on the way, to their studies and: note, their radiiant faces and happy moodls. Then congratulate tbetn. Weil, Weil! What changes time bring,! -I t steens but yesterday that Gen. Hugh, S. ("ýCrack- downer")- Johnson, of 'You ain't. seen nuthin' yet" a nd NRA, faine, was castigating, every non-' beleve intheNew Deal and the Preidentc.,harg- ing them with îhrowing "dead cats" at tht most forward-ioeking administration America had ever had ; evren as late as 1936 asscrting -ni fiery Ian- guage that the reelection of the President was essential tp %the salvation- of the country; fervidly lenying that tht President had dictatorial ambi- tions or designs against the' Conistitution or' the Supreme court. And now what (lu' we ind? Nothing less than the great ulaamed Gentral fieriely ittaeking the IPrésiden~t, chargi<g ~that - be means, "not under the Constitution but in spite of it," to become the head of a one-man govern- ment; te destroy the republic and uxurder democ- racy. Ail very true, no doubt, but it leaves us in a quandary. If the doughty Geneýral was se dense that be couldn't recognize the programn he -,was doing his uttnost te put through, should .we pay much attention te what he says now? A presidcntial cominittee bas sugsrsted to the Doî't iIl(iuige in- a 1remature iauigh at those tax- *payers ini Oak Park apd Evanstôn wvhose personiai property assessnients were raised from a scelieutledl valuatioln Of $10.025,000 and $14,159,00() respccti%.cîy to $80.642,000 anid $1 30,773,000 respect iveiy. \Vait *until the county assessor gets throughi peeking int Newv Trier strong boxes. Then lautgli-ii you fleel likeit "I obîect to the are t so @ or* aother, Tux PHànTM Rx9oTrm ,m eth editor y1 e Cole