of wwioin wiII blie oy Scouts tI-oni Chiicago. and surroinding territory, will ttenhe1wopener wbich imarksý the firsi. football gain bctween the swo %çhoo1s sincee 19 5 wV11lli the v- clones. coaclie<I bv Pop \arnV.îrupý s -t the Pupi, 3, 0 . Face Fast, Vetermn Squad lowa State is cat -d b% .111 Vrager, .(fôriiwr Kalisas ,State star, ivlo s aku oert-be ble;ad .,coacliu)g duies for the first tinteé this v'ear. 11-1:as 1iiubrited .1,veterail squad thlat posess f ast. lic. linbe and . backfield thiat has.t a iiiiiler of speedy balL 'arriers and ali cxceptional, ,)asser l Àrt ishrWhio Coin- pleted over hialf oti . iS asses last, CoachLuIvusi Waldori starting Ibis ihir<I vcar ai Xortlbwesý-ttri, lbas bteen last 'ear's, ciia:npionshilp squad. t1lte train lost 10 lktermcu(ýi. eIeven i o w~hoin were inceien. This loss of 111a11 poer articularîv ai' the tackle. guard and celiter positions,.lhas inade the 11937 squad ;au uncertain tquailtity%. F Pumple BackfieId Stw<oag \Vhile the line as biard blit lm graduation. tie bct escaped.wvitb fte%%-(r caNtlaitîk s. WVitIi experienced à ta ut 709E VI NI clice. .u11 i' ai Id all %vîere lie lias1 .wl>ee 'kelv manu iii Xcrtbiwestcrni'si al t;a'ek for two v Ir. lis rliln mate at ritziuî all is Bernîard jeffer- sonl, a triple-tireat Ne gr(o..% lit)-il' dlo unost of tlhe puuuitnug as well asa lartýe Aiarc toflt(e rtuîuing ai;p~ fronu ilwakee lias apua reily from last years powertiu xul walI are available. They are *.*~~Ao f ibigheptiuiIy