T-he, Prize Amerioca n Home Completely Furnished.b The JOHN'M.' SMYTH COMPANY, This -home- was completely fur-nished under the, direction of mem bers of our Advisory Bureau Staff and ~you i 4,id an atmosplw. of elyncad keautg throughout. In it we bave expressed the spirit of the John M. Smyth Store, which enables us to furnish this home--with furniture of excellent, quality at reasonable prices with deferred payments if desired. an d buit by G. E. Wegener. You ,are cordi to visit this house on Central Park Ave. at, Our Advisory Bureau you twish to furnisi, a comi invited )son St. at .yo ur disposai w"hether. ?te home or even a single SEPTBM~ER SS, 3~37 ai i *1 r E E i 33