PET *MILLER HOTEL and APARTMENTS I900 COLuIS AVNE 24 rom Boston on theV u1canua. First tbey will nmake a trip to Corinth and Athens in the casterui part of the Mlediterraneani, and then will go to Rome. t fking "a. number of side trips fromi there. Most of the winter they plan to spenci in Floretice. On bher way east Mirs. Baker will stop in South Hamilton, Mass.. to visit ber brother, Prof. A. H. -Sproujl, who teaches in the, Massachusets State Normal school. 1Durin¶ M rs. Baker's abseuce bier home wilI be occuipied by 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Tackets of Detroit and their son. Georg~e, vOlo vil hie fresbmiiaitat New Trier. Andersffls Return Prom 5.Week Trip East, North Dr. aüd IMrs. tiniil A. Anderson, their daugliter, Lois, bave arrived home a five weeks' sumimer vacation ini the E~ast. Thev visited in Framning- hians. Mass.. at Mancbester-by-the- Sea, anid were the guiests of the Ll1oyd IKelIl family. former Minmette resi- dents, at their stimmier homne' ln West days at tIhe Na- irnasuent at Glcus ..4#onq ithse W14/iutte . traitler eit husiasis. is the fnauvof Vvrm J. Radder, 1331 Ma pie avenue, I il iiuette. 'tihe kadders spent their Vacatioos i tic Swperior National Foresittis sumner, .topieie at tise varjous laikes anid scenic spots. They cre particidarix de1ýqhh'd î 1"rdiii «)iamidils ~360 i4wads ,a>;d aAu'4 hoiaiwdý miles o ictresMq;~ut' hprelie. This snapshot was taken on Echo Glencoe Gets J4New Trait in the Superior National Forest.1 Fromi left to right are Susan Radder, Fo1~rest Preserve; Bruce Racider, and Normans J. Radder. Last year the Ràdders drove aroutnd 155 Di Scotfand I.ake 'Michigans with a traiter stopping Mrs. Thomas 1. Simspson ' 918 Te ri i at cighit state parlçs in the Upper and Jon avenue, Glencoe, who was ini Scot- L.ower Peninsula and in Wisconsin.j land this summer, supplies the fol- -lowing vlipping froin the Alyerdlee ds <ppe Patron ixe MOVE TO Dr. and XMrs. lias se ber s< sou Strodçs -South by Thun- - A lbuge. area o( nsountajnous -d" the story of a trip tbrougli country lying to the soutîs and east Amnerica mnade entireiy lîy air- of Glencoe bas been securcd for the lias been ptsblisbed by Randomi nation. Tbis purchase bias been madje 'and the National Travel club Possible by the generositv of fricusds uit the book out as its Septein- of the National Trust, whiicli aIready lection. omis sonie 3,000 acres oi the historic Pan Amierican Airways con glen itsetf. The newly acqaired por- is distributing hundreds of !ion is a deer forest, but tIhe Trust througis every rnse of its- it ends to give free access to waikers t