Tragically, a large 1;art of this miedi- cal care is extended to. children and ote wude iilians. The Medical , bureau units arc aidisig everyone who is hroughit to thern, soldiers, civ iians, or rcl>els, on the basis ol treating the severest injuries first. They are try- mtg to work ut> close to the lines, as the inatter of tlime is of greatest im-w portanice; those' witb aabdominal wounds suiffer.the greatest fatalities front delay. The bureau niiîts arc also doing remarkable work with blood trans- fuision, a mcthod baviing been de vised wherebv blood inav be used at any ad Mr$S. HricnS uoUght heio une in Glencor early in the spring. Cloyd Hinrichs is attending the Tower Hill sthool iDundee, ILMsHinrichs recently returned fronia short stay with her parents, Mir. and Mrs. F..N. Clovd of Danville, Ill. Mr. an~d Mrs. Willard T. Grimmi are busy mioving this week front 515 Ros- lyn road, Kenilworth, to 235 Warwick road. Mir. and ILrs. Campbell Col- lins of 340 Green. Bay road, Glencoe. will be the new residents at 515 Rps- lyn. road. Mrs. Grimm was in Iowta for. sereral days last'week. Pet. Carimo.. Sodon o e..'em& B0KM COPIE I 1-LB.A CANs' 4C MILK L.GE.20 3CANS <hEAN 5-LB. PKG. 29C RINSO SCOT-TISSU:E ~~Dvuw e ..Ib. e ~ ~ ý * b.