-- uat.) %o s t'artmotn handi the IBiu1 *ions at Columbia. Th~e band. EIswingsý ont in the approved Benny IIGoodman mariner and features such li.B. singaroûs as «'DoWn1 Southi a'- ad 'RoIl 'cmi." The baritone voice of Bol) Rich is heard on the vocals. îEverything possible is being donc. to cater t0 the college studesý, nlost of whom are thorougbly familiar witl the Colonial club which plays for nlost of the leading school, fraternit" ai d sorority parties each year. Later 011, a college floor show% is planneti with strictly university talent. The -personnel of the band% is a s follows: «"Jutnie" Griggs, "*Fossv'M Snyder, "Yutch" Harker, and Ern'ie Mattbews (saxes); Tom Herrick, Norrn Falkner and Hank TJcksn Wils~on photo. Io lcFadzieaot ri1gî,anîd Tou,, <arney. Xe ricr's pair of I/cet-f ooted' half-backs, who arc e,.rPected Io do) 0 lot of the griotiiid-gaiinù,g! for the local. clevean thie StobirbaniCalegule isi:fali. T/e scheditle 'pens Sa;iturdi.%t itls a gante agaisst Pro:'iso at Ifayzî,ood.~. clinics. The new Viii be opelned ini xted by Dr. R, IH. ie Hcailh Cen ter rc. in % wclconiiîng ec staff. mlecting of the board of Vililette Health Center L<I b>3'the president, Nirs. 42 -U-de-sq - w -f I 426LinonAve..1 Wflm.ft castic,