111 -a *il re c stit -*- - --9ý of Asia." .No Amnerican is beétter qualified to liement thé truth about the: remeit igni- ing,,Of the tinder ini China or to give a background of the relatioi.ship between, the two warri;îg countries whîch will1 enabîc bhis listeners to understand future events more ireadily. Eitor in cbna. Mr. Sokolsky lived frfute er in die. Orient. He married a Chinese *womian. Iii Tientsin lie edited the North China Star, ai) American newspaper.1 In Shanghiai lie edited the Far Eastern Review, wvas. pôlitical correspoiidett for the North Chipa Daily Newvs, edited, thieý econi(,tnic. and plitical sections -of the China -Vear - Book, and acteci as correspondent for the Philadeiphiia Pub- lic ledger, the New York Evening Post, the N Tew York World and' the London cousidered, history-making, points - Spain, China, Japan., Russia, Germany, and Great Britain. He was' a niember of. the delegation to. Russia in 1926' and of the Japanese Education Commission ini 1932.Î1He served on the faculties o1 the UJniversity of Southern California, Boston University, and for eigbt years wvas président of DePauvLUniversity, bhefore being elected Bishop of the Oniaha Area of the Mcthodist Episcopal Church. the yoingest memnber of that Board. Those Who have heard Bishop Oxniat, speak ,have requested that Win- netka be giveni the opportunity of hear- ing hin. Unterîneyer Hore la Jarmaa.y Tu eàda nght, January Il, is the, last tn ight of the series. Louis, Untermeyer wilI be heard then, anîd it is certain that Fre h i mlk is the. bo.s Id elc 7 m= pit. MlPalace 17d Q=m~. 8- to 12-lb. fresbîy dressed liens. A most inex- penisive purchase when you consider a ttirkë3y provides enough for two or three meals. Young and tender. Mont deliclous :,,-b. avg ......... M. 271/ic FRESH 111F TONGUES. 23c 3- to 4-lb. avg. . .--lb JONS' ITTE IG PARU "SAUSAWL-just Arrved Jolies' 9 Llinks .. -.lb.39 Jones' 3 et...... .........lb..5 LUAUft1 HÂMS Your' coie of SWlFl'S. PUMION OVI 111, or PUACOCIS NEW PRmcES HAM F.moass Anisiocrat of1Items> average ... ....lb. 9 1 LEG of LAMB-e Siuîce bis arrivai in this counitrY Mr. Sokolsky bias been contributing articles nlot only on the Far E'ast but (;ii the relations of the United S9tates to world econoii problenis. His articles have applleared inithe .Xew Vork Tinmes,.the Atlantic ?fnthlv. Vanitv Fair, Cos- thue retireil Halls Tenpleton Here No. '9 , orks in r( On iledy o ii)r 9, .AlCc William Ro TenIph?)lton t dilrettrn t(> the iorth titieci t, bce Shiore t tg)g%..()ie of liis anaziuig and andi Amly I. beautifil l icrt'. NIr Tcîîi 'sn15versatile gen the blind lý uwllî Iipzktnit. onîï,oser and ica." '-,r. U nmastcr. i nprofId1< Not onivylias cloquIlent sp( 1wc a compute mii.stcry of works ini the nwnelts on, Û1~t5Ii~ il ti )\%-" cfl oiPositiiofls spatkling. as and i1tcrflreta1î,>îîs id liglter inmbcrs Tce,,,f f the period w .Ailer- ,neyer is known as an 1whosc critical coin- ,rn literature are as Phono Av.. 1 Phone