incluaes the north shore commUiinîieg. The 'organization bas for its pur- pose enlightenment of the publicre- garding an act now before. Congress. known as the General. Welfare Adt. or H. R. 4199. Cite Purpos. of Bill "This bill," reads a statement. *is for the purpose of a more liberal distribution and increase of purchas- ing power, stimulating -agriculture and industries of every kind, reducing taxes and to assist ini balancing the budget." The General ýWelfareForumi meets in the council ront at the^ Wilmiette Village hall every Friday eyeniing at 8 o'clock. Ail citizens are invited to attend and cooperate with the Forum it is announced. ~~ 18 C*nIdet *Officers of~ the Forum are Ralpb M. Evans, president; Dr. L. \v. Jones, vice-president, and Miss Dôr othy Taylor, secretary. Well (Iualified speakers wil bI broughit to thie Forumn prograins frou.i tinie to tiniw h is stated.j ICardipans end IPuloversi 4 Tweed or Plaid Sirt $2.95 to $5.95 GLQVES F'abrie-id 79c to $3.W0 >1 Handkerçhiefi 25cto $ 1.00 ies .Claudia E.I.ert improve the ings at Ce, ,treet school, cornes to Wilniette f rum nues, and .tli Hlawaii, as an exchange teacher for.. the overbani of year with Miss Mildred Flaskecred. A tween Elnii gradiiate of Monmnouth college, shelias Kellilworth hecn ini Hawaii for several years., rails and ad( rdrop patient [i additioni 'ck ballast v 'other po eh- 1 j-Ena