. Spot 'lanclîng: 1. Miss Sprague (Greene trophy), 2. June Kraft (Kesi Naperville Fiighf Takeof: . (George '1' Hrtn rophy) -Alice, Adamùec De Witt. CoMpetitive stunting: (Bonfoey trophy) Dorotliy Ring. Comedy and novelty:- (plane-laundry comedy novelty-Murine f rophy) Miss .Kraft, and Miss Ring, Bendix Twophy Bendix race (Bendix trophy) Heleni Bridwash. Bomb-Droppinig: (Major Kelly tro- phy)ý Miss Sprague. Noveity race: (Oison trophy)7 Helen Colton. Thornpson race, Miss Ring. "Pair-O-Chute":- (Riverview trophy) Martha Stadier..1 >he grand award, the Governor Hor- grand winner, was withheld, Iendinig final decision by the judges.- Clim New IRecord An ail-time world's air traffic record was clainied this week bv United Air cen t gain over the 12,317,000> lown dur- ing july, 1937, the line's best p*reviô)us Imonth's record. ITrebling of the companys sleeper service, from coast-to-coast to provide three round trip E1ast-Mfvst. flights nightly eafly ini August wvas credited by W., A. Patterson, United's president, as: one stimulus for the increase in traffic which tbe lne registeredi ast ,nontb. Sleeper planes bave been operating at unusually heavy per cent of capacity during the past thirty days. United flew 5,844,177 revenue pas- senger miles in April, prior to- placing îts new Douglas-built Mainliners in transcontinental service. With lte new equipment operating coast-to-coast asý well as between New York and Chicago and on the Pacific toast on May 5, the compatny's total of revenute passenger m fls îcrea t o 9 ) ~O fortat month, and clinibed f0 Il1,09().306 for juite. Inauguration of United's first sleeper schedule in the nîiddl-ý of july tvas given partial credit for the gain that mntb to a. total of 12.317,000 rev- enue passenger tmiles. bad si lhirinigtlhe six y cars wheu.she was Coifined. to Ilier Xbcdalinost- continu- ýOusly. Miss Lvonis had. turnied ýt6, drawinlozand naiiv oflier., sketchies %vere published. For vears sIte had, furnlislied a, weeklIv illustration, for tle. "Newvs-Comnnent" coltufn, n on the e(litorial page of this inews nagazin e. Funieral services %werc conduictcd Tuesdav afterniôotn at the Scott Fti- nieral Honme in WViliîette liv the Rev. Anmos Thornburg of, the Wilnîiette Papsîh M-ethoilist Cliîurclb. twitlmprivate iincr<ewn at Graceland cenîeteryv. Be-ý sides lier ,)arcllts. sle is. surv.ived by two sister. MrfÉ. . Hlen Xorreb T.vons Aindersoii. an;d Nîrs. Dorothy Lyolus folles. Edward Lee Vaughan Passes Away at Home Edward Lece Vaughan <ied Wediles- clay of last week, at tîhe faniily resi- otto lieto ltVord has. becî recceiréd bY flic Hîebbard W'oods. Branch from i, 1 Packard ll!otor Car ctpmipa)i, Ili Détrot- Ma heh on 41weJkrnM 4 il desiçpaated oas a "Packard .Ma.ç'r- Sales iiaii" lias brec»con ferr.'d v(M Rhy s 1'. Broivn (aI>ove.) -The Master Salesmian hno,aid ýrnoId Carîsen, Manager of the Hub- >ard XN'(xds Branch, 'is no enîpty title'. t sets those mien whio arc so fortimiati. Mr. Vauglian s suirvived by lbis rtelstfvyes. widow, Mrs. Susie P. Vaughan, . o h atfv er. daugter.Mrs Aim B: bilips f Eigilbility to.nuembcrsiiii nthe Pack- Wjlnuette. and two grandchildreni. ard MteSacnasugaization is Brandford E. PIillips and Betty Aime wow0 henN'icia ixed niinnnof sales ia Phillips. His brother andwudife, Mr. beeti reachied hy any ()lie of the 3,500 ai Mrs. Arthur S. Vaughan of New Packard salesien iii the Unitedi States N'ork. camne to W\ilnuiette for the scrv- and Canada, it is explail:wd. Thflmni-ý ices. muni lias beeîu purposely fixcd ilîi so' .Mr. Vauii -asa, nmiuer of the at. the lhonor is flot tone - whiclicari bc miles on lic New YQrk. over, a ycar run IbetwtCen nlnhal ýentrai school.: s~ sa s otine tau hait inutEurope ai v at the visited the Rev. Charles stud,%ing there. mnonth and le iii Romne H 'IL at ;flie. GladV5