COUPLE!S Alsolieinneirijobs Shorlinie Einpl. Agency Ï46 ELM ST. WINNETi<A312 _____________ ____7ILTN2O-lt<. WÀANTE]) COLÛREI) GIRL4 FOR 2ND. wo)rk. fust be experleiimed. North Shoilre references nece.%4ary. MusI like ebliJdren. $12.00 per week, niovlng lu Làike Fore4t Oct. lî4t. t'.111l Kenn. 5503 WHITE GIRL FOR ti(l>E NE It A L housework lngentile fainiiy of!-) adults. Highland Park. This is -.m ldeal -place for party ýwishing qluiet home 'and nice stirroutid lng.s. Wl nnietka WVANTED: GIlt jTO A.SSI$1S' IN (lEN- erai office work. Must beeprind typist and bavie knoi)wledge. of book- keeplng. Write, giving »revious ex- perience. Addrems A-136, Box 60. wl1m mette, Illinois. 71LT,.26-lti COMPETENT WHITE HELP WANT- ed wlth good ref. Apply in person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 662 Vernon Ave. lno21 464 Nur-se-maid-s-omte experlence, pernmanent position, good home, chance to travel. Wilnette 1838. 71LTN20-tip GIRL FORZ SEWING APPRENTICE PATTE, DRESS S8111 Winnetlca Avenue, Winn. 2.574 71LTN2-"OIlp TE GIRL ATTENDING SCIIOOL. Cadillac Motor Car Division General Motors, Sales Corporation 108 North First Street Highland Park, Illinois 72L20-ltp A&UTO SALESMAN- EXPERIENCEiD. fl ot over 35 years old to complete ksrnail l uality' sales force. Must have record as a producer wvth proeven ability. to handie hlgh grade clientele. Bruce Egan Chevrolet 611 Greeni Bay Road Wilinette 44151 721LTN20-1,te WAINTEII) - 1ISHWASHEII, WHITE. Apply ât tilengabies Tea Rosom, 316 Park Avenue, Glencoe. 72L20-ltp HELP WYO.-MALE AND FEIIALE WANTED shore homes. Shorline Empl- Agency d46 ELM ST. WNEK 73LTN,20-1 tv COLORED COUPLE. WOMXN MUS'T cook. Man drive. State experience and wages expected. WYrite Box A131, Wi- F . r ,~-I fi ~ALSO LIGHT, AIRY ROOM%-lSt'ITÀBLEý for one or two, pentons.., Newly decôrated. quiet. Wllmette 2568 Comfortable front r.omi, sultabl- for gentleman. Near tca usportat ion. Excellent location. 2 in fanÀily. Wiimette 2773. LARGE FRONT 110OM,FlRi A . Private honte. 4 biocks lu 12 Phone. nxornings, Wiiaaîctc 2541. ROOM% FOR RENT IN PRIVATE home. Three bloeks frum, transpotaàtion. Wilmnette 1281. NICELY I"URNISHEi>1 100M 1 1l lady; shower, and bath adjoiniaig. Garge f sred, $5Q0.Wiljmette,21,7 VIPIVATH, FAIUILV, NE NiIAN 111 T q STTION. (.ARAGE VT- AlRT '.'INNI;.'i,.\72*2. S2 Lrx2o- 1 t1 ATTRACTIVE RObM ).l'O1,1)It- ably Iora'ted ini sotitheast r Winnctk.a, nvar ;tN T e. riier a ml«ail Ianpîl ,n Winwta .>47. 2ux21 N-'0 - \-î'tr'insportatid..n athta iteI er.1 Ngèrt h 5hir, *r4', e' 522 D)avis St., Evanston 2L.TN20- ltc 930-36 Judson Aventie t. (>Ob,2 LATIIS AVAIÎLABLE O('TOBER P1JT 1>lem. alla rtilnls Ia Vela g.*, liglit, til' hthtand sh ý'e', : lie 'riga'a . Neal* trasit>., SlMianad su' nmig. JaaaJtfitsa (fi i.ii.s McGURI~& -ORR, lnc. S CBI.1EASE it:auti tul l -pii., a t --f .N.p> . i é < .J.Ilit.>rS]7 t'Irttn .l ' 1. Scliuîuan PRealty Co. 704-10 I [iniaîîAve. 5 Rtolms MeGUIRE & 1ORR. ,Inc. wih tde-wvaIIbath and Ishi<>wvr. I.a,, li ilig r". i~ ~1lei. *aid . e . Ailt GIRL WANTED, WHITE. housework. >aln'cool Iàundry 2 aduits, 1 child. l Write A132, Box 60, WiImE MANAGE 4-Door Sedans ýSKOIE., TRUNK, ELÈ%Ç. 1IIAD, RADIO RD. iheater. Prerf. cond. 1 year guar. LTN20-1tl> .'ell bel'ore 1938 modeis corne out. GENBRAL -A adTerpà tg. Htie id~soffl n Tr-p A~ND .M ust ()il IiLETI- SEL Ec-1'ON Me "AT.LI1 mtitl-Is. AIl ' ** 2 FURNISHEýI) iîS., 1i. 'S 1 double $9. Private bath. lion Wilrniette. Garage spac 1527. FOR RENT -NiCE room 11I/à, ,blocks ttrfl: (U»encoe Rd., .Glencoe. Imp. r-a. 82 L.l-1 ti> i i~la ,- (I hl: 1st . 2 Ihalt>t 1)>s tî 1$2 SMART& CO 1 hic. V1 Z 1 4 E Shr1î nA l» 1 t mH . 1'T. 1VD Mhvlitîdn (Cput P.iig.SoWttiex- tlosurc. 1Large -liv'. mri. Nwith iaa-rbed; kitchellette'; diriittt.; t ile %vall bath, Elec. refrig., etco. c. >TN2O-ltp ,TN20-ltc 9'lI4TNî6~tfp £P p.Mi 'il . TN,20-ltp