,GOS TAVERN flMrsday, Sofrdoy à Suudoy' FREB,-Sjiaghtti-Wed. Nights PRBE-Figh Fry-Prid.jr Nights AMATEUR NIGHT *v.uy TI.ursay Happ Rd. et Wiuumetm Ave. Northfiald 1The usual wisccracks. stapstick comedy, and vaudeville stunts 'pro-, vided by the Marx Bros. have as their locale a bankrupt sanitarium, whici is saved for the own er hy the succcss-f füI outcome of a horse-race. Allat 1jolies' singing and Maureen O'Sulli- 1 vani's acting acld much to this highly entertaining comedy. Born Reeki.... (2O0th Century-Fox), directed by Malcolm St. Clair, with a cast composed of Brian Donlevy, Rochelle Hudson, Robert Kent, aiid Barton MacLane. The movie- tells the story of à courageous young man., a foi'rmer auito racer wbo breaks up a taxi war. Tlie story kccps one tense and. excite< al thie way througb. osoffly which al combine tomake the jpicture excep)tiota I entertainment. Fly-Aw*y Baby. (WVarners i. with' Glenda Farrell, Barton MacLane, Tom Kennedy. Photoplay.. magazine says: "'Gîleinda Farrell, frniinine Sherlock Holmies, again solves a murder rnystery, but this time she takes to the air on a round the world trip to dIo it. Barton MacLane is the dick ini love with liern Good comiedy is provided hy Tomn Kennedy. And the finish is a surprise."i Kid Gahad. (Warner Bros.), di- rected by Michael Curtis, The* cast isý composed of Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, and WVayne Morris. . The picture. which is chiefly 1onze-. iiiii lfl ils aiu ** a J 8 A néw type of airpiane story ûx- laining how an airpiane' pilot solveS a, mystery surrouniding the failure of his fiying safety device to function. 0Of educational value because the filmi rsnts many scenes showing. varions .hssof aviation. Shi.-Hadt. Lat. (2th Century - Fox).I)irected by Malcolm St. Clair. with Rochelle Hudson, Jack Halev. Eugene Pallette, and Arthur Treéacthe'r. .An eccentric millionaire touring th,( country with bis special train beconiies, involved in a gangster tangie 'witi i two young peoplefrom a smallý town. A plot that off crs thrills,. romance, and comedy-. Slave Ship. ý(2Oth Centùiry-vox. With Malcolm St. Clair as director and a fine cast- of Wallace Beer%. Mickey Rooney, Warner eaxter and. ethe ýers some fine tnt), directed by Fred MacMur- Charle-s Rug.. after bacl< one's e. * DVA! vbrouglit ont. Thi. Eup.wu>r',s CaadMesticks. iidget. an ord-(G> Directed by George Fîtz- igiant ail tap maunice, with Louise Rainer, William rterestiiîg and Powell, Robert Young, NMaurecv O'Sullivan, Frank Morgan. A thrilling and entertaining filin oi (RKO-Radio). espionage and intrigue in which MNr.. eolscy and Es- Powell and Miss Rainer appear a> bilder. Russell. spies. Unknçtown tn each nfhe'r. tIie Ample Parking Se, re