Arthur WN. Bergmnan, 714 Rogcr ave- hvMr Covi wih wu,70 imu. as gerieral chiirnia, of the a;ffair. Mr ilanc70 P>nze %winners as listued lw '.\r. hr--------------- -------------- man nclued:N. S. Lehman 's Named (s, Nail driving.: WilbertJ.Caî;i Literiary MagazineAi c1ic4go> and North '~erîraily1 'AiNld S .hnainmc o h agent.facultv of Nc.w i ricr Towi nship Hiighi * laIu.n huw'n tu kv.1.ean shocIiste bc. the pno of th.e * H' hart I>anforthi, 333 Warwickrad,.kigç t 1delt iterary publica. Forward-backward racce Arthur II.tion, it %%;,> fltiiCc;Ijwek.Th ~~tzebu.jr., 625 Fxm>,r read. cO-edîtor,ý are foe Graif and Jane Big- lii. p-r eIrng r.~~ti1~e*,. 'eI. ichiard SalyPeterson, Spon- Sho. Race so ]stCar. is now an excIiange * Slhec race :jolhn Iavj...Sinail, 3(14 tece.ilitriuctiulg in Scotland. Ciimiior road. Heorse shoes: I. Ifarry A. Ohîi. >) TeAdion rowit residence -at Warwck-roa 2.Robrt 4 eertt el,-1316, Chiettnut avenue lias beeti Ieased j Vawik oa ;2.Roer Rev to-t Mr. and "X'Mrs L. C. Pruddcn, for- nierly of Ilighlatnd Park. while thie JBrowýns are ini the solith, on a bilsi- - ie«s veliilure. T'I.e Prudde.&s datigl'- fter, Barbara Barton. lias begtil her, j ~o,,varê a~t New 4riir-, Hgi Moving - Stéorage Packing -Shippin9 North Shore9s,,largest furniture warehouse. -30 years' experi- ence in mo ving and storing for North Shore families'. CALLWILMETTE 914, CALLUNIVERSTY0091 REPLACE WITH CUT YOUR VUý .-l41 niu .;second 10w gross, M .5 a e......... .....1........... MeürVis, 141 Robsart 'place. j N>a Cl.s"C: irst low not, Murdo Ross,I 727 Cummings avenue; first l0w gross,f A4dvres .............. .................. liarry F. Begleui, 153 Abingdon avenue;, Second Iow net, Tho ns S. Eçtre 1, 210 C/O,... ......i..................... .................