Coore.pun&ndmt Rsideni. Losus for NORTIIWSTERN MUTUAL. LIN UNSUPANCE CO. 1 N. IA Sai. St, Chicago Tii attractit'eiy Eiglish Coisivold type rrsidence iittn!mitr construction ai 1049 LïsiCnd Wle llI occiePied by -the .4. T. Day familY. .lJr Day is vice-prrs.idt4iet ofi/theJamnes P>. I>av COceril, paint ,,nîatrr Chaicago. The archaiteci is .1. H. .lldlstroi. of Chica go. The ho!<, f an so ad im unad Jan r xteior i ?einnncrwmSet (Convention 'e > A ctive with four'batbs, pu recreation lroni Ses1s Business in A u isibedroos outhe scond flijr. ~< 01 I( e il estaté sales activitv at Baird j, The roof of the structure M"111 bavvl Wà«zL nf (1-'- IA~ air coli- )lit, am 1 Dates are announiced by the Na- tional Association of Real IEstatc boards for the principal meeting oi thie .ear for its varions divisions and 110o1, NOWý before cold weather ve JIituur L'ay hf a nurnber of col ed. een excellenit icts have c bee Bânu.ockburai & withi ers an stitute of Real Estatc ,and Develuî>ers andI s'division, new llonwc .and States countcil-- ýtrnoon,Y October 20. etings for homne build- ers on the saine day.