l'lie inicrease in 'stde esrv'ice III- T -iudsanother Sunday nigbt .traint) .) ChèanIaviniz .Mundeleinat 10.:0 alil arriving in the L<oop atI11:10 p. nr, .Arîd twil additîinal nîorning trains Coli-, t,îictiiig with !nain line service 'at [akc. î;h1tfT. 'l'le first Icaves Munidelcein cast- Il !l4tll1ld at 5 :55 a., in., and arrives at L.ake 8Iîlï i 610 . n.: the seconid eâveý, 'ae Iffw on<in at,6 -:19 a. iii.. aîid 4riî"u Mnee at ():32 a. ni. * Illé rtunin.îIg uie ofthe *two tast ~.qtîuî1u ~ndtra*ins, E>bt--ating <ver the: Siîî îr*1Cille roIute wlîuch Iîcriuoiure ar- ïVil din tîlk Clîleago> I.oop at 8:-53 a. in., t ndJ 9:05 a. ni., has beeuu reduced s<,' îiîà.î the>c trains wlI arrive four and, !I%( * ,Miniutes Carlier, rcspectively. Wil 11wittc aIld Cenilwortlî patrons wiIIlbelle- it kliv rhedule ad<tisttmenits of 1wo ûti¶ ,-r trainis-a 'Linden avenue stol) at 8:20) m u i., bving addkd to the sôuthbotilid p jucial arriving at Ratndolp)h-\\elhIs at *A ;i:4 . um., and at Keniilworthi stol) bc- m2 ~a<fIcod to tlic îîortliboutnd' train leav - in, i XALms & Wahia4iat S;:Oie]). i.4 Tuanetable Out Satuwday 1-Iurtliter Schediule adiustlllnt ik'iiI 5 :38 a. nm., train. n< rthbotni frqmu Chii- I PRESIDENT ieday oflaIt î iPi.nI k',: dgys ai ýe'r JUJVUQt.f