iimerican lRevolution,, ýuntil their' beilefit bridge -party, .scheduled to take place the. affernoon of Friday,' October 8. at the Woman's club of Evanston, is a thing of the past. ifrs. -ý James P.- Spoerri, chairman of the ways and meîans, anid ber vice chafrrn,, Mrs. George J. Cowa,î, are meeting 'daity witiî their newly ap-ý pointed comm ittees. trying to make sure that ail phases of the party will be a. success, and planning enter- tainîrnetit for those "Daughiters". and their' friends who do not care.to play bridge. Tickets have already been dis- tributed to the, chapter by Mrs. Spoerri, Mrs. T. Howard Kay and. M~rs. Gordon C. Graham. On the day of the party., however, those who wit 1 à-é carg ofî*lie ticketsales and collection will be Mfrs. Charles W. Moody, chairman, Mrs. Thomas' C. Gray, Mrs. Stanley Ullrick. Mrs. James D. Archer, and Mrs. Arthur. S. Merrill. Selection of table prizes is undvr the. supervision. of 'Mrs. Cowa,î. sitarge of dùîuer arrangenic»ts for thse dinner dance the :Nort,h Ssore *auU-clarv .of thé Chicago Mat'r>ity renier i* *sponsorng Octof'i'r 16, st fil, IZfraîsto<eul GA e/nb. tfrs. Gordon Fox, '1.wi1lI b eclra and ivili îaik to the club on tlt Coronauion in» England. She is bring- ing with.ber rqplicas of the' Coachi.- the an.soisting, spoou1nd ihe chai7r ini %%Ilich, King VI *waserew-vned. The colored bistorit'ai and picturc mxal) o the University of V~oz., camipus wiIi be on exIIil)t amti for sale at the luncheoti. The nap is *being sponsered by the AlumonaecClub to raise mioncy for the student Idaaî fuîîd whicib il:îîantai:s ,at tie Unp- ve'rsity. The'iicôsn lnîichi' oi Chi- e.iýrO (of whiclh Gordon Fox ij rCsi- dlent), bas- invited the ~,c>~, wolnen to t1icir fc1oh)er 29 ititc1îe(ot at the Br-evoort hoîci, wbe,, Zon: Gale Brerst- i. to be the~ Rovi*ws DR*.k Omege -Alumnoe 'l'lit <ail, and the opelnwig ta new season, brings amnouil<e - mnt, this. week by 1MIrs. J. E. Brown, -,program ciirnitii, of ail initercstingschedulie of. pro- gans forthecoming year for the pleasure of the North 'Shore, a.;l.tniniae of Chi Omega. Mrs. , %vNiford. Bis, nc-w chair- itiaîi, wilI extend greettangN tt e li-cntc- I>ers at -the opcnIng Of the n.ewsa mon Friday afternoon, Septelanb.r 24. Mr.A. T. Beishé wili Open, iîcr. otiie at 1293 Westmuoor road,. Winnietka. ior this first- fail meeting, a ýqec-Sert bridge ;Wt i-:30 'ciock. 1iFkr the October 15 prograni, '11rs,. BoWïmî IWitt present .Miss Rosalind li>i of ~Etanston, tale.ixted young i.ri>,pupil of Miss ijida Sail'i. AIrs. James A. Donovan of Winnetka t'4ili tel]'*TheStory of Q1ilt %Iàkilg' iun Aierica" anid members are .itivitedj to bring t beir quilts so that shc nia), display' and analyze the pattcrni<i iracli q<int. , 'ie programn for the regntiar mionth- IY mîeting in Nov!emher will 4c ail- nifiie< later. BrazeI1Qa, Book Reviews Mrs. .Roy W ýse Mwho do0îlot play bridge, bc a book revicw by Miss auer, of levanston, a miem- * J'atY 3f or be hleld i Norn h)U'PQ*. %vi, wIi igbllight that nmoitli. ~March 18, will bring a talk 'Nc ldca, for spniing Decoraîi<m» . u;1 eNvclts of the year 'wiil be the annuai. Glics day tea on April 15, amti the senlior breakfast il, Mav honoring gradntatiîîg .,ner f*t lie North>- wüvestrîîactiçe chIap)ttr ro~~<î graint i>r the .qar. des,