aîno,îg i helrn in~t on. At thi, lunc1heont.- plans iverc ý lIiý Reed Lellls Prom China- CU1-sCtli 4ur tlic Phutrsday aiglit iJkrarn1 ali l î1icli arel tg)be prce ttd tl I't ý vclub), Decade ,mt tNUil k aniplstia',uiticktsarc tjibte i h Vimîut ,î; ek.Ate unh ~ii'ii~Iiilu~iIag cbirmii. ~ .uîîand< hrildge. lutters frot their î-~îowary, nue oil the Ainrican Di-ý iitW>r Fathier% troîn Teciinv. Rummagie Sole, aîoý iiCiîjina. vvere disecussed. .\Iîliul1 lie was J11 a peacefut part i lie wuoen s sOciCty of tlle X.îl o China- -pu)ace.ti that is. at last re- ilete 1Biptist cburch is, sponsoring I(br-lecotld givc suailvysid its a riiimniage sale to be' held at the cor- tupon v'sîditiolv; in that land of teem- lerý of Grceeaf and Railroad aven .i'g imlilion.l. and the detailq of the on Thursday, September 30. 11Tfici. q~i îhtc natives brotugit honte to duuér> iwill open at 7 ini the mor, ing tl thc mîers ol-Cthan evr *tbe lFuyisciuI .artkies, asweW as 'all.îwt tif W011k%.4i) b1w4101w %lien Clothing, ill be offered. no~. warrant it. SILVER FOR, BRIDES meeting of the board. The first project for Friends of;Lake SCMP AM. eMli BmP Bluff orphanaÈe this season will be a VPang Wàe > le~ rummage sale October 21, at 617 Davis S SPP1 makleg street, Evanston. 4-, You know about our hotIow war- Mfitea sets, bowls .and pI.ttm thIke have been deIighfing North Shore. brides for years. L707 Church Street Evanstoil if P,10-DCKFl-, IV SiIItI; , êutu a 1 r,-.P Willian Il. Barties,,Mrs. Wesley P.,Ik. Mr~.lams Iukeyý, and Mrs. . 0 . ~=1~~