iÀ the <.xorgiani, bas chosen i-fPr,;assst ed by th otwng commit- hc wd i l er fiancé, Pati.ulu ' Highland Park, Mrs. M. Bein, Wilbur Carroll* and bis fiotiier, ciirman, Mrs. J. Wertheimer, Mrs. Mis-. Cah~~in Croio Lo J. Golden, and Mis. B. Wloelman; i Angeles.. arrived Saturday jto Glencoc, Mrs. A. A. Michael, chair-, participate in the final round <(1ifnlati, -Ifrsi Percy Cowan, Mrý. Har- rs Perlstcin, and Mis. Ira Fishier; in gayetyptmedpeein l VinncIka. frs. N. Raymer, chair-, marige.. wil taie pace 'fan, Mirs. George Ehrlich, Mrs. 1. The wedisg wll akeplae a 8 erln, rs.1.Schumnan, anîd Mrs. U'eotk inilte evening in the Lady L. Sigel; ini Wihuette and Evamston, chapel of Sr. Luke's church, with Deati Mrs. D. Balaban, chairman, Mrs. c. Gqerald G. Moorc perforniing the ser- Rosemîllatt, anîd Mrs. A. R. Elhinani. i.ce. A reception . will follow 81 Ille The chairmnan antounces thtat anv Georgian. If tese committec members will b;e *Miss Jeaîinei.i Young of Kasisas glad to collect rulumage, such as City, wbo is to bc Miss Weesmaid cdoîhing or furniture, upon the rc- of honior, anîd her mother, M rs. C. tcdpt of à telepliosie cati. Alustin YVoung, arrived recently tobhek a t rie Georgian unhnil after lte ere- (Ytlts of the *sale wifll i-e rteported iàiony. Thebrisnids w'ilYbe X1., t the tfIitb IT M le-, L.eard Murchison, 'and Miss Janre iitg. October el, further 'details of Ferîguson, both of 1Evanston. Robert which 'sill ite atitountred lai er. Tfidrich of Des Moines is serving a-, best mari for Mfr. Carroll. and the usslicrs arc Jamies B. Hardein of Chii- eagt and lod Hinrichs of E'eait.,- toit. Sl bim i I )ring rite past few weeks M iss nec rtcelithlt ýss at a hi er at ber 114 d«ai.hirr tktcrly loin, iI- lion Jon MclovdfJr., Silliof lIr oîd irs WilliamgJ. MD~el .216 .lavaenuetIvl,, for- $>1?r13. of Mim t.Jiss lBrunis s figrailiiutcof ceijrljl scIooun Mr. ItIQ.I<#lnII if Division Meeing lrs. Il. E. oronto, 901 venue, etntertained the nui n ilt center are fi fuit Swing vitil a tempo tistally..reached1 nittchl later in the fait scaison. Merin- bers ust rctiurnèd froinvaca - tions ind tbc,1nse1ves aýitteîîdfilg* tl rsewing groups, pr(gratn 1 I i n g s. a d Cv C 1 a e c n party - r. niCIfll)rs àail i .1li epei f ricinds. T h l a s t o f ti le i x %s , V ,i 11 j ro u p,.> to Ioid its Sepîttuber lcîn stihat of mris. .E Jiligreni; jr ', of smi ,î- set îdgc Foty aenîesoftiiber 27. ai (lite lbowie ofSI rs. I a l ~ ila Cutier, 803 Ebnwood avgt(utb. Wil- Mnette. at Il o' o -itan n ucw iav- ettes which art distributeti at itlet iftte-il4t3Ceitvr fNn I. r-,. Richardi Iryan is co-chairmîan i44dt group. At a mectiîïg last wecvk a:lier homne Mrs. Fredus N.. P.tcrs, Jr. meneral sewing chairmau to:îîliine<jI tle goal which tie six> ehairmleil plaît îlot 0111v to attaiti but ho surpas s weII. Acrtk rs. ftIlngrell the Newiigg diairnien are NMrs. - 1. A. Fraser. Mr. .1. il. Millikegi, NIrsý ForsytIhc Trainîc, AIrs. 1). L, Storînont. andu Nirs. R. j., The îetittg was lield aht ttltJlotof * " Jr. .j.L.arrabcv, (04 Sko i an. Cj c1 fb.ý In iuolig hue ortit shore 111cifilbers e)oltIs cdnnnlitt e arc NMrs. .\xd Iloigrest ait i rs. Raipfli 1Ils- /agi' of ~iîek.M rs. Clifoerri 11'- S'fiJger and Mrs. Pulredil ç%llitl) of of itilwûrîîî M3r,. (C. W ToçiMrs. j, i