: 'l~"'lie halMl a»I bridg tg~ irt% hleu> t-) naiitaitithe scIii<X>I fil 1925 'l Nursery shô a A.t Iluili li.ouse, a wrfbJt±t of the I q,.legc of Eduecation at Evanst vearis ater a group of north sho-p y)n very Intel ste-d litthis work, 711.' Mary Oran-lë agite. whleh ai .olee lnm4-etng the net-ds Nuseryseool. 111 1932. the Mar' lengue assnumed the entire finane 1.rt and has been very suuece miantalning the Nursery 'achool, th% each #,ne of the-#o und47rpt iite rfts by the edueational É, which la planned for- themin v.ry capable director, Miss Nna1 nter,îationally knmwn educator, Mis enagy Is assisted by Mis 1Iay liatch and a corps of catd làished by the National Coll(-e i "ation. The colt-ge has again he furnimhlng a teacher and thrteec National ton. Six kre woml- .forined Lded the' of th(, ry Crandè cial sul)- ,sful ln where- W. M. Ellisot Chteago, co-cliairmian ')f music and features, wlth Mra. Jlontrý Ha'vermale of (Ilencoe and Mm.i Il. E.. Zlpprodt o6f Kenilworth meniber.q, f, Lb. commflittet; XMrs. Fellinigham, remérva-1 tion;. Mrs. Smith *William Stortey of:j Kenlworth ehairman of decurattions, wit~h ~ r.N. A. Schlangen. 1Mrs. L. H~. Sg-hwb and Mrs. W. Oison of Ktýnil- worth, Mr. f., Bryan of Wiliittc,, and Mrs. 1- A. Drew' of, Wlnnietka o(n the coiiiittee.. Mist.,Edward B. Ttuggles of Eývanston, chalr.irîna of publielty, wlth Mrs. William Haddad and Mre. ;c.'rg'ý Fabèr tof Cii oon bher nmit hy thir Kenagy, News Fiom- Kldee 'r ýss Doro-a ï, ete fur- The womnan's golf champion tKlI of Edu- decer Country cliii for this year is Mrs. kelped by \W. G. Todd. Wiflning the titte in B liarilet Class is Mrs. Natirlce Spain ; in C la'ss, Mrs. A. _\. 1krfidlU theryil The fartewell luncheon aud election ofpaof ofilcers will bc held Tuesday, Sep- -si heytember 28. The occasion is also White ath pro- Elephant day, when prizes arc sclected y s4'Pply f ronm anong the white lephatits of- LI, floUt r- d ami re- frd .~OU1t.> Current bave been the semi-f-mal~ didrn the September tournanent, the fial of I uhich were to bc playcd( off Resuming AUl Classes, Week of October Fourth Winnetka Woman's Club - Wilmette Sch6os Hugh school Groupa for instruction <sud Pr*ctico Grade Sohool Groups for Boys and Girls. RVENING ASSEMBLIES Privage.Lei4SOnRS.by APeOintnmt 135; ASBURY AVENUE - - seCOld 10w gros 01,00(1 101e Tuesday of Iast week a prizu sas >z given for the second Iownt orI At. on odd holes, one-haif handicap. Mrs. R. H. Poeblmiaflhi as the winnler- ttThe first Iow jet score was turned in m; r. k..r ,dS are, ofl héc e" WINNElZA 3140,