orîtr and Mr. Gapen a member of II Alpha l'au Omega frateruiitY. Mr. and , Mrs. Gapen wiIl bc at U home at 816 Wasbingtonf boulevard, I OÙak Park. after Sentcnher, 30. D 52 IAWtHItNE LANE wiNmnEtA .14Wî SOCIAL DAN4CING By Invitation 14-raui *)le t f .iIr. tensd tîirs. C. l". t;tistiiisttt <'f ' i<-aqllio (<bluîolimce the e t'nqaensqJt <th4ir daughler, Ruithl. te)<.mu * »hderson, son toi .11 r. andi .lrs. <' del * *Ç .1d1'sou of1014 .Isl -str.'ct, l'isitkti. 'Xo date has bct',i set for thi, it<tli.sig. li1e-. . lnd.rýýsibai is -a ,ir,,luate' tef Nev Trier Iliqis schoipl iMinl of the Chlti9ao Aladriny of invite WiIm.itf Wom.n l'o PhiI.nthropy Sewing Tihc >CcoIit plhlasithropy ,e swing tIay tif a ilew year at the Vsa' Clubh of \\'inttte accurs Friday, Oc- THE WORLD S MOST LUXURIOUS HOME*on WHEEL$ off ered at, à small fraction of its actual coast T HIS staunch private motor coachpro. vides a nmatchless opportinity for sorne- one I ctt euiï -a thomewitti eeîêry faeIlIty for fine living, combined with the most modern and finest means of fast, depend- able, safe and coinfortable transportation that money con buy. Nirs. D>avid J. D)avis is chairillaî, oi work. Mrs. GletiS. Roberts of tllt' Iiicnhcon served ai noon. AIl %w111ini of \\'lniettt, club i ncm- bers obr fot, arc tirgcd to particîpate in thec day of seming whiclb conii- mences at 10 Ô'cock andi conitinues iiiîuil about 3:30 in thec aftertiooii. Seo«miag£c.omssdtioms for Tw.mty Two Prvof. SW*inIgl oess Si..pielgAccommedoMUs sftw 5evw l..oy PuImm4yp. Levt.ry 'A orà' q Iî spaofoua Jooitgc, r.clî - IV carpeted and P1fet- i~0hd fa t.<~latea.t of Dr.ý