tumity for tlose jutst tir arining aer FIRE SESON, fl1i.. nlay Înt be the %vinter çt.if the tirinîais, (lis- conitett.but the seasoui i fast apprioaeing iviei lie will b4 stepIîing livelv in ai) effobrt to puWtoeut fires torigîinatilig, for the 1110sî part. ini the rres lîess of ilagers in hurning- rubbisbi. For lime euTt f Utrn EitS thnt fireinen are' ealled iupon to cxtilnguisli. the reet rd Cali 1w writfeti in t advance. Tt'relate,-;that a ,îik #,frubs a iguited t4on close ti, the siarage or ctiier 4ouîbîldiîg.:. -qauton beiist niolnentarily susoeidedl. a -su'ldten gust g.>f 'w~ind blew the aàtlites againsi the bul nad, 1l a hurry ecal i put iifor the ire d'atwi.S re tintles the daniave resultiîîg 15 considerable. NIl fires of this khid arc ,,revelitàble. Tt i l for îillagers to lceep the rubbisli pile smnall tii reduce --ci volue of flaànîe, and then 10 keetf, a Close -wateb 'iver it nnltil jt is troislinied . lsthat t(woi ttIjîdifor the firelnîe,î to ex peci ? TimE 'ro ARi l'lt- effi irît .if sone Xew Trier townîship village, Ici cq ollect deliii"mclt real estait, taxes thrfeugb for- friture Jr4icteeliitgs hrings grat,îhicallv tii theé ,niid, of i>wiier.'ý that the, time lias coule. for thienmto, act road appears t'ob ave heen reachel. iGovernmlleî cati fuinct.ion cînly gai long as funds fo r its adiîumîis- tratioti flow froni tax payinents. The flowr rnay ceaste for short periods. but eveltually it niust restiue ojr thec services whl~i goi'erniient renders fall own). It iunifortuniate that so mnany pieces of property arc ini arrears, and inuch synpatlîy is expressed for thos-e who have hecomie unable to pay their share, fki oevrinna enne Thi.e rssc .alkfor ex- Yé Ù.YouRF..ANOTHER" Frotîx a colunîniin "Clîipilly Chip%. j ;i11 i Chipilly 131 s t aiîfainîry 1ost AncricanIt legit)n. Chicago, - i geailed the following. givinig a ne%' sin t,11 liy so<> nanN. mcbtori'~sa inow soi accidents: JWhath< îeve*tdIs n ii m1wseol wîert driveri., eve*èn experlenced and self-conflidenlt one. ttîay learu the funida»)ientalàs of kmîfet drlding. The prohl>tn m islargely lpsyehologlcal. Mau lsa alp- ently .tio ýPîlmitîve an. Anistal », t <ontrol the emotitinm that grIi l bnionce Ill getrs bIehind the wheel. I-elig i week, ptnyanimfal, lie revels in a new senii>e tflpowter, .power lie controls at lits fluger tipi'. At oc>tce le betonies impatient to teet thst power; a spilrit of rivait'?, of Intenstie prit. ovet'tOme ihm. The momntt he ineet.s trate ic v $~i*s i pIwLo o ýiUit.power, I(e Jive l to that prîde.Ilfe glon&t. like antt lîbe cmoron over raplng .a #e-year--tid girl W.flh, van bt-at «i fellow driver to the jtivIà, evcutntougli that puneh înay knock smit bunisýeIf os îdplirs Tri. uunph over a rival WlIli t -I ~ltiof I -)b là, it whets bis appetite fir ' sii, tnlaîtel bits ef. until lie becoiie- trait-ti~ r-îIik. litgoes ti . beat-the-traffilejag, iiulging i il pbtsîf fanta-stie idiolic tI.'ilek» tp iia hblntIf ;and :tll .in-ioo es eaî,.vlIy ilii.guy i l p ic ie a' juit(t hîew dainiiwd stu;tlrt lit l1s. -TIhe trgi, l.ipari.t liLILall l ti-iisi t. t ilaly BioGER CAKE, For 1almnost ileur pears ,incidents, storik-s.. r tioitical jibes appearisig in this column have eu illustrated by Janie .ysmns, whose natural aptitiffl ior "gettinig the point' andi emphasizing it ini piv- turcs %vas far above the ordinary, if perfo-rit( iiýd àit(l'nd largel< untrained. lier artisu r * 1 iras lier own, developed and practiced under tliu nost trying of conditions. Few realized that t hi artist was a confiruîed invalid, the victim of ,wastiaîg malady whichliîad kept her bedfast fI ir more than six years, or that hier iictures -%ver, ofteat produced at the cost of great physical paiin. Those wlîo have uj lider art waiI share ii ilie regret expresseil at hier .passing, which <oc turred at lier lionir. 1015 Coreenleaf avenue, \Vil- tmette, Suindav- inorninj. 1 lu stead of leading to despair the liandical. I'vraine an urge for mind developmett, and shi e:îtered upon a program of study and rcaditt ihiat b)roadtenied ber mind and expanded the fqlllr %va'lls of lier rooni to encompass the world '11 whichl ite livcd. Dificuties were but an inspira - l ion to grcater efforts, andi discourageentis bc Canîe ste.pping stones to greater achievenient. Slit lived to leariu, and each day showed progrtss ni Tur, Pu,&TN"RxmaRtI