weetliç aiial <eterniinhlill eîeilclhue pwacrt1t ast a~ OiW jr waIs, sioepet as '1wi al'u rilûtcîage <nou>Igli. ;and had liot learti 4.,,gl'lvt-w vailue of kecpnilg .nthrfaul i thbe filine 'iuthe .t1îetrs i., only a liai <;t eal ohpetibiofl, %vas Itle teauX.~a1vs-1lright asf s.but <lus keît tuient trotl * .,taight îowaru? il s t e aî lo eoed b lie ,.ilt <r anot Ipittitr> aadrure alight Il -\s- arod etol vvWII-, wiv i nemlon ,,ihu,iays willicav .uL k-ri kicks swinies are to occupy Wedniesday eve- Pl jýacto)r. nngç. i)efuite sciedule of tir%. j i1lexperi - ratesi andi éther etails. wii alJ)eari? ~ SC~Mr. Jackson inay be reached at the tlueiýy.I'%h Oo. orà hboule in NWiinnetka I)v ~ uild .teler>hone if special iiomainis RIe- ed tor -sireii. ~~ V.wity Practico ii~'lwi.IRegular var.-itv and fresinîai- ural OI1C j sophomiore -,wi;iin'ig practice will nu't lie feteiig I egin utiil the close of the football fact 111;t seasoni. Sone of the teani iiîelunber> dtoltiir have beeti workinig out several limnes' faýý s.i :àwcek 1» order tb be ini fler shape in (Ii%,;îI, or a drive on the state litie. <t ~ j Mter ail, tie.phy.sical xia<,î adhave ceciiomulted. a iiiinîber of the M il.îneffort to localepoisl>cinter- Itti. ~nwl lis" i lit'îaterial. MlLK SUPPLIES THE ENERGY FOR SCHOOI. DA'Y ACTIVITIES The rich. pure fiac&or of Mellody milk 'makes il -a fa.vori te wii h- the children. maia 4 é fftaAmleooi 0a"ee14 A way te CATCH colds ao3'I I. *a Lsqais likeC to wijl, tint to let thicmlse1vi.e ()ft the. )4wcr piunIgllng riru l uit.'.a' spot. His injuiry is ilot serions, ;1141 wil b back ini action agaiflst River- Gary.diii its scoriig in Ulic first andl tliir(l periods, comiting 14 points iii thie latter. aicled inaterially by lte T1rierncni's inability to play a sbroîîg. cros% wind properly. Arigo NMarclii jr., sccrerary au'd ..'.........ik, ..., «l% , l jwhio reccived unis al stailps to <Iona.te dIietuto thbe chlb. tIt is plainuîed that a numtiber of speakers will address the clubi during the vear. The aînmal exhuluit is schecI- j u!vd for some iiii jatiuary. lHarrY q A Pifer. nieiner of the linglish fac- iuhly. is again facillytbllpoN4)r 44 bhe bactics wil alîy euent. buity to te oppor- e teanu'~ p as Ci bf ti