SHEETSý Made te ýSuit for .$129 6 iit ii ba Cusitomer WouId you believe i . . . that we cuuId seAi tWese nationally known ii etti- f aitios for durability and exceptional wcaring'qualitles for ont y 89c? WeII, wecan-4xecause 'it's Buyers Iay! E very sbeet mnade to -sel for $1 .2). ;1)r*'-aùndered, ready for tise. N&catly boxed. PEPIPIIIOL CASIES Ie MO*#II. SI.. 45x1 ...... .... .soé32e MATTMS *site $#546Reg. $1190VIeA Cuvered wt fine quaiity bieacied * rnlin, filleit wlth sanitary cotton, securely stitched-and specially pric- ed for Buyer's Day!1 MÂTTRISS Choice of full or twill %14e. tape bounit ait around, with rubber but- tons. IndivIdually boxeit. Curtains $169 IP>:d nt Y eI-fignred grenadine curtaiuae wihwide, welI made iruffloa. iaek savage removei, and nea.tiy hernmed. Complete wltta tie' backa', and bone rinlgs. Rgu*riy, Orcapéries Custoin-Îiuade lhav %,damask draperies iii rilh brocaded de- -igiis., Sateen i ined, wlthpiincli plcated tops, aiid hooks., Ready î.o bialg. I17c yd. 1'irst quality, in wde range of patterns and colors. I ___ $13-Pc 46xs 10>4 linon damnaak flaPklns. ematitched SP B laR, 23. 1 m or u Ir-. ýSEPTI