39" wld. 50c< Y49 Lov-elyIyrîh fabrics- challis, ribbed., plain colored failles, anid 9oft spuin. rayons - many beautiful prints, mIany smart plain colora t Ail laborator y tested, guaranteed washable and çeam- ibroof. Be here early! 39"Transarent. * Velvet A ýIheet- lbe;tutifuI <lualitb. perfect for evenlng and 8treet $1.29 wear! B1laek and .colors. Lirn- ited quantltv. Yard.... Ppperdm, end 0*1er FPous 5-0 S4uioe 14~c Thus Le.,Price Muam .Swings For lun *34 (I W.oven Cotton Suitings G~ay w>veaa cotton 1plaids---yojur favorite tmterial for fal.i. Excel lenit assortniciii to choose from, gay but practical. ti. 9c yd. Ity muslin, wlth 47c liade(tu jeiI ait 89e 9 36-xi6. aounted on guftranteel rolleras. Ponige * erean or white. ........ WILMETTE LiFE -w# mi I IN: 1 1 1