.1> t..-lrtSERVICES j'ai a. li ):00 a.m.-AduIt Bible é~s l(P.:555a.n.-Beginsieràî . cla-ý axîd ca-a'IIe roll. I Eîa.M.-Seçond service. ME ETIsos Nlarha Juid, today, 3 it.a i .cRïes of- ail societies t.1 asl*antge yvar s prograin, tOday, 8 p. m.. at the Wiiînetka circle, Friday, Sp. M.,. wuth Mr.John DetbIoff, 892 EIn istreet., Suntday tschfo>1staff, ri 8 S:15 . i Chbristian educatifin cass au'i k' inu . m; Wednesday. -4 p. m. Aduit catechumei lat- 'dy p.i. sin lathei>a.%tor'a study. Circufî Ten, Taesday. $.4 p. is. 'ith Nlrs. J. H-. Jredin, 21-26iT.rît-' Tfhe ferder of service- 't Il <>,<Aùt><]< 'Al Stinday wIll Include the olwîg 1>at.Ide "Inlvocation" ubh lntroilt-"Rteward Them Tiaat Wait Antbem-"*Je!4u-lJewel t4 31' Faith'" (Tho-Junior chitr> ), Offesrto-ry-Andaflte favori -M..r The - I.rmon-'The l<oly Arig,.'- (t' tise Lordl" . I'aa ::2- 1'niuude'LusDeoW iu.i 'las s'-hooj l a..s (four atîd fivi, yc:Alli will mc-et duriiig th,* Il -k >e-t-v.--.irovisi-oiui are atlsi) bheing a ,d- i-, Caltr-"fti' children <.1 swi.asnd tht., -l -hildr.nflotb attend th,- .- mi.-- l Klii 4 CIuren erK o'ic.Arranigei V.laxette 1975. L. ~. at 1» 'VISOn, heannual distriet mêe-tl'ng fitii %V. F. '.%f..5. wIII be hF«ld- in 4)Ï èR69er- Park >Meihodl.4t chumih on ptn.r2. Cal NML-s .S. Luaidin, Wilmett,- '2462, for reservations. The annual se.4.4on i f the ,skRav r»-nttrrefne c onvenïes at R.'frrlon 0<ýt-tiber 5. Anyone having conferenc.'à .vouchers to turn in is ask.-d trigivi- them te-)th#, minister 6r hbis s-aTr ,u~ ,oriapossible. A Rumimage sale wi i he lé.:d Jtii' h '-hurr-h on October 21 -and 22. rra wrnî.-n, and ehiidren are urgA dté.. con- trilmue articles. (oswîll Il.- I.>ae ln six.ooths -devt-tvd to -, t.i s %women's ciothlng. junior ;aîi iiîfaît '-hen ware. and a I"ri-ewîhs.;>=iwinse tlinnrer and evening clotht's tand .'~ B're-.lrlng rumn-inas-.-lé,,th, îiv W1m4,Mnî 16e2, knd It uwU1il-I.. 111 (i "fike o n 1Friday. N'ý.1fytii.- tl.. IŽ 'jtijlursday if YOU v-sTI .T-îq .A'I 4,11, tt-iijît ., pa , ;T a- inli .att-rRTfi> , r'u .f tîfy v.aig Ilole iii4~ag'. *b.. tiii. P,11 7 ll iQUSh ti. youth ,-l. D rnas4hhfago6 iaýPtiýt #-hur. hes.-ee ionQ ttili ber held S~tr daY afterno. ,n aaad ..t.,ning, Sun1da.-y ni'.rning fiii- aftvraîr.ûaz. A diniler will bc- S.r'. aturdary. hy a loeal conaîittee Ilîý-I I Mrs. Afred 1.i-ýrns Vrgirlia I alt'îis ,t(-tiiig a (hed f tii., f-f. trtaiiifg y"ung î >rié. gr7up The Viet.S l 'èii .etek.qi t.'WIiCtIj'fv 5ir= P -'l-il ifs.- i,,aî-Pl-;Iy"r-on $indiy i"ti5~~a L1 .-1 e.Tht-h-s oins! -*îil titi l,..rs., Vii it'Younig p.-opI -*il b..gimi-,t a-w ,;tuty Suinday at 10 ~,.an I's ..,-.r~hai-sBrasbcn <4 S'orth- tt-...T..ai i -,-'.îî'~t- l, ad ttii- e goUP i f-r il r Ii i. tf aVuî it.et fîîl 1t- . .s'ae rs .Ji ri.i71~S -*taho>...I.tiit Aid a tjiigii~ S'-5fl~t ;-th'~an d pe-rfvt attlj i.1 j i..warîtA. "rgas S-,îsg leader, Ihavt. ;r.. h-k. at' II~lî ii lr it' Kapia 'aPhi îo~î, ~ i I :<~fi 11.30: ..> ..>,4** IJ.ITI. R.-sor.'-~ T1.y .i iii'sL1 .ii'TI* - Ai1%, -'i â-a Fat eTlc" -nT <bT.-t' a' soo lie %vet l ti * 4 iLENI FOR 11, 'il f!i:' : 7 : 2 0,F L a ~ I ' l > v i < t< , f l 'P o l l osit-d #If7 :<', . .l azmUa M . s;. .. 1-a and lt a t e - il, i h 7?~Eî, ;..~.:Se., 4, T '-,iNo TIiU'-~,aV .*: <;jl& 'h' I ti tut- n ister iail l bt ls ia la . 1uliI at tiil o'cock worsip sur aa-xt ',ursdry morning. 'he servit-. h<-j. %%îs wis tlt- iorgtn prelude at 10:45 ".-,and thi.-- Introatt si sung Jiast tb<.f)t- . l.%ta ;0*4 invited o sharYe .î i h. -.iir- maa.rni wll e a-Sfliw E)tai(10:45)>:"Plreluid& >rii Sol..- -TlîeS~e Eyc's Hate P..stitad.--Fr a 1 and ~ui 1-i 1.tili ilit' (.4 -nsr. le i il --I::lt ial -usa111.l r à a 11 ~ . I..u - -! . 1 ,' Jt- s e- 11 t t u ' V i1s 11aî S 1 j i i g1î i l jm; f bIefoi, T:- rat wil l .- :s. d t, rr.u t- a i t It i. :a- -f'îr a -t t - t li. - " h e i.- hi- a I l,:.. w: a i.îws : 31xlis f 1 1 t, i. t-hai sus:tSa: .~Ir. hlas .-S.-.- isThr-t'-i tute to be Its leacher, leàdlng the giltpu-,1) ;Rsa ln a study of his book, "A Faith fori. eO ToIay." l'Phi. clame meeting at !9:io )To <>t<i<><k Sunday mornlngsi. a ~Za* Coard' ~Peueut 1dic:tite~ at - tt! b. revewed by 1P1aor E iis Per- urgar ichurcbed. of l:I il Invitation le servies cfor wo» ln tî felldu'sehi c holrmaster at 7. I<f not enrolled ln oaar nain willI have rhargze of our luntch vilage, q-thurch sehool, tbey are requlred to after the meeting. Let'.i ilake this f lie :tendedj attend. l-stYen-r that Kapita Pl Phi bas lîad1 p and iTbore .will b. a big clhurch club lise- Oui- elureit taehool started ln (tait (4 th.- f .onvention dinner at thse Sherma an itol .swing inst Sund'ay. We have- wel.-'.',nt-i 1"',va Full partieuizars linter. (C'ontinued on page 22.) I s. I. -4 1 " . ffl