'rite. North Shore Art Icagile s Iwllpe- ing its. -ariotbs courss ~fçr ciiil;lreu and Iduhts. tlis %%,- , k and -llieNt, auld is * liuilêliig classes in its Suylif iii %%Vtetka * The Satrda iiînorning jueiior clNss iiidraiug pamiîgand cday îýi<leing, 1*11nder the iiistriiou of U 1 lope I)cgcn-, * liardt. w~il l bgin its full terin Septeinher 5a t 9 :J0. <'doùk. The clas: vwil ffer * e<uîpsitonstili life. figure lraiwitg. avid erëative desicgn, and the older I>ipils fila%. havé wVI rkLu n-oit painting. A*j-aýsist portraiture. ivith i Fraik I iiàstructing, is meeting N.na * ~ sdWedules<Iay aiternoons. (roiatii lte) 4 M~ien iE. I>lhlfriek's ela nilu pr- tratitturewil bfegi»n 'ruesda m orning at tlammoud ot *CIVIL SERVICE EVM4MS- Tu nieiStates Civil'Service con- Medealecal sorialwerker, $3,2a00uu a. yeaî'* and assistant. mffical social worker.- $2,600 a, year, Childreins Bur- eau, Depa-).rtmient of Labor. .As<>iae btaia$ 3,200 a y..ati atsli4tant botnit,42.,6W ayar Bureau it Plant Indwitry, Di!pàrtinï-nt of Agri- eulture. Full informuation nmay h1, ohtairrd f rom thé secretary of the. L S. Civil Servicie Doard of, Itxft11incrs. ,nt the local pist office. Nul groI.s. COFFBE 1-LB. CAN 26e IIOHT CLOCK 1-LB. FAG 19C .3A5C jaI.Ir 19e' DEL MONTE Tomnoto Suc tim coq 5e CANND VUGUTABLE SALE FULL STANDARD qUALITY G enuine Long Island Sprinq IDUCKLIMCS . e i13c lONA FLOUR, I t-LB. A& P Food Stores