T.I,-u M.. . .AD IS MIUDuII 'I'wnkl Dito.......Max.- Nyford Peganus.......... W. Van Gatbany Xeo .... --....Fred Boynton I'tt...............:....Don Bergman Carol..... ......... H. Ulot Snort .... ...R. M. Brown swm& A O= . "'stries nutuber 2; Sunday after- noon, September 19. Wrindward-Ieeward course twice around, 6 miles, Il starters. Northeast breeze. Sagitta .............. Bill Bradbury Ariel ................ Waage-Foyd No................... Pred I3oynton Twinkle Ditto .........,.Max Hayford Jinx ............... ..... John Lané Pegasui; .... ....... W. Van Gathany Carol .. *..-............ Harold Elliot pUt ..*..................... H. Strong Fram ...................Don* Bergman Swing It.............. C. P.,-Mford I threcedaughters, Florence and 1 ngton avenue. m< Completed Setpenlber 25 aind 26., This wii finish the season. The race scheduled. fur Saturdày, SePtember 18, had 'tobe.postponçd un- tii Sunday morning dute toa strong -off short wind that blew so mnuch, water out of the harbor that the star fleet could not get out.. A star boat diraws three feet, four inches -of water. At the end of the third of tht five race international .stries at Ifanhasset %a, Woody Pirié,spe, and johd Pirie, sailing Gemini. are in third'place. The. first race was gailed in a srn uh west wind. Woody was in the lead on the first round.bhy several minutés wc his jib blew out andlie was forced bc to lSth place., M3, ~ th .pjècc r u,* one wîfl have talking and otiher ýound effects, ànd the balance wifl be sletu. films. Subjects inctude naturalhir>tory. travel, adventure,* American istr and winter spots.. The first program Will ht ,given on October. 2. There -will. be twvo siowings.. ý>f the films on each Saturday's ente - tainiment. one begineing at 10 a.m., and one at Il. Several tbousand childircW Cali kc acconimodated at each ptog>rarn.. They nxay. corne alone, accompanied by. parents or otlier adults, or i roups from. schools and othier centprs. Fol- lowîng is the complete schedule. showing the dates and the« tities of the. filmns to be presented où each: Oetober 2. - "The Haunted Houso.- "$u-lin, the Panda." "Top. o' the Mor.n- ing," and "Cats and Mo%1re Cats.- October «) - "Ocean Currentue;" amil '*The Adventures of' Columbus.-" Octi)ber if, - "Hawailan Snngs an "ZItnri-ýA IFanius Maya TLeéd.- Ot'tober 23-"qVrasm, A &ory ifP- ,;la," "Aboard a Clipper Ship," and 1m JOsndArromu," "»The Toa u*iw Nilgiri tlls""The Mlghtlngale." ;trli November 1.1 - "Tiie WiJI1 Ttrk(.y." "I-ouekeeplnig at tit-Zoo.," -On a sotati Sea hr, and"nerwtr hw Novernber *?0(-*"Sttry of the iut. -T~Ihe. A ..r u r-...1. on 'and dat le, are noi >af avteniue of *Mrs. A )n is a jur whool. Gli 1(11119 'JenisOi8Al uI'eBV.l. yand ,a niember of Kappa AI- o'clc is a senior this year, and East is beginning ber sopho- mort meet E ~astmans ryear at ij ro Peters0*11, with er. WValter andI t home at 9.1,7 eformer rcsi- Doose. Miss at New Triter Petersoni, an- ie family, bas :avenue, the boui -d by the Wilsi bave moved to1 er 1, for- H. >rth- .1-t t ý 'i'