KEEFEIUS for *Excellent service, *Expert Lbircation ,»Atlas Tires and Batteries oh . oStat. vs. Txtre One of Our'DaiIy SI>uciaIs Ded Tederiola Steak Dis.,,,.. 6 Roast Chicken Dhus.r (Tlnrsd.ys aaid Sum*s ............. 6ft scored in theme Dine gauTes-JUST ONE ýFIGURE is wmt.d repmetuag the. total of ail the points-tcored by tii. 8 teama in' 9 games. EFach of the fi rer persoa who brings or sends ta the WILMETTE Li'u office correct aswers (or the. neareet correct) wull b. given a remer'ved seat ticket to the. Nôrthwestern.Iowa State jame. ALL ANSWERS MUST REACH WJLMETTE LIFF. OFFICE '(or b. BE- FORE, NO-ON S4TURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. I u y- a y- S 19 Lai# Smv y.'. Automobile Storage à Day& Night Service 1 Parking RAY STEFFENS CARI PURE O1L. 514 Fourli, Sf. WlL5344 grCar rd 3 blocks LKYLE 'te MOU., S.. US First for SEPTEMBPER ý23, 1937 Iowa va.