As the new ainphitheater in XViI- mxettc's Wasingtoti Park nears' coin- A3eion, con sidtiable thought is bcing * iven to the lindscaDinig that -is t *,rVC as its settinig. Through theelise: af iveathered udge limestone, much o)f the niatural' beauty has been ,re- ~aic'.,cratngthe inipres .sion tlîat t ie aniýhitheater, has been. hewin ~rm. a so'd lerîge of rock. In keeping X it 11 tiis thnme -of natural deé%'elOP- muent. it has been decided iw' the Park board in a joint meeting wvith the NWilînette GarZ&n club and Park Consutant Robert ýE. Ewerly, to ad- aere to the planting of. materiai ha snative, to IlE'nois. * Native, Woodand Plànts1 [tu order t40 carry out this plan, soil <0n<it ios flIlist lie given first -on- ~idera.tjon. To develop, properl3-. 'îtative> woodland Plants should, have 1IodSe, friable -so-*uthat is rich *in 111111us. and moiture-retaining prop- rte It. is the intention to duplicate tys Ïpet of soit iii.the area surrouild-. tng the amphitheater.' The present sOil i,, being~ rertiôved to a .depth of ti1v jches and the .enrichvud soil-; -,îîtt in ils stead. \Vheni this i S comi- 1,etd the actiial planting ivill tart. Grot' ps of paper b'rch and nativei .illows will grace the sheltered slopes ,n each side of the amphlittater., d1hil. : Ugar nmaples,. noioutain sh .vcarnore, wild cherry, hornbeainiln iiidý'xî will serve asý a heighth baçk .Prof. . ' S' aii ciiicr 4)f the Departnient -of ISducation. af .Northu'zeetern uniiiversitvy~ilbcthe speaker at a Parents> Nighit :mletinq of the Cenztral-;Lautrel Pa -r c n t- Teacht'r association Til'sday eve- lin'g, . ~Septenber' 21,. in the gyn.- iiaslinii of 'the Byron Stolp school. /lis subj,]ect will bt1"7,IcThe ato ,Finds Euroj*an- to Teeth Ant Raf-bbi, Slulrnan Gives Impres.: hiands of Toivnship Assessor H. S. *Marshall flot later than Septemi ber, 22. This date limit has been~ definitely set by the Countv as- sessor. Where schedules are not filed, M r. Marshall states, . eSti mates muùst be made.: He therefore urges that schedules bc ret urned. as' promptly as possible.. výhther 'th û recpeti ossessed, M tax- able pr opertv or not. This will not oiilv avoid unfair assessm.ents, but wilI greatly*help the local as- sess"or in* completing "hbis wvork. it- is 'pointed out. Again.. September 22 is the final,,filing date-*but do it as much earlier as. P;oss :ble. PREAHESAT TOULON Dr. George D. Allison, minister of the Wilmete Baptist church .will preach at sessions of the Jeoria Rap- tist association to be held at Toulon. Ili.,' Friday afternoon and eveninig of tIIi, week. 1'oun tries Armed ic-ipating -Con flict isk Is Winner of' Affiliated with the association ini plans to outdo any previous exhibition of this. nature, in the entire- Chicago area, are aIl of the no rth shore garden clubs;, 6w ners of the many beautiful private (gardens, hereabout,. -nd scores of pa- tronesses enirolled, f roii Lake Forest to Ch icago.ï Various civic groups are. also aiding 1y purchasing large -bloeks of tickets in advance, as indicated by action take n .tbis week at. meetings of the Winnetka Lions club and theý Winnetka Rotar club. Tickets ptirchased in advance of 'the ïhow may bc obtained at a slight saving w)er the, price on opening date. Nine Cla#siicationS XVith fine. classifications in the speci- lien bloom section, and ten classes in he. arrangement section, rare. oppor. niyis off ered ail growers for compe- ition for the many fine trophies which have been posted. A new feature of the show titis year .ill be a children's section. The coveted imard here will be silver cups, donated )y Mrs. Warren W. Shoemaker, 45 'reen Day road, Glençýoe, prértiient in ,lie show organizations plans. i addition to the many, splendid * rophies posted by the Amnerican Gar- letiers association for other sections of he showv, special silver bowls and cups lave been donated. by Mrs. joseph tdense hawthornelanting nter- ,pured iti hpink and %Cite floering Mil crab apple. Tibi sto, bu bor- l.ertd by shrub grotupungs of witcli lazel, wid rose, dogwood, and vibur- '!ims . The entrance of- ý,the dlrive :é 'o tc înpasiedby eivergrecn plant- igs ot native ce dar, juniper aîî i3È ll),e, Ixdnzfroni Mich.gan aveýnue toý t in)rth centrance of theic amphi- 'laatr wllbe a windillg flagstonle ,il, iat teads throtiçtlî wha ill .ý'eîviîiiy be a veritablc fture-st .of I<abbti 1,aI.' ':>iîuiman oiut l"isersk withRichard ix- Shore Congregatù'u Israeb (;lcttcoe : returnd recntly rom à ,î M lllr, 789 Michigan avenue, 'Nile inonths' tour of Europe, Egylt and 1 nîttdau creme was the winner of the P'alestie. His itinerary indcudyd n W l established Ro'Van trophy of-. iranîce, Italy, Turkcy. c c by the. naval posts of the 1l>oland, Austria, Czechoslovakia. t Vî (teransof. Foreign- Wars to thbe rus, kh - PIai- boat tanding h ighest in 'the "B"ý rn ~estine anid 1'EgyPtlIseteo.0 the S heridan ,Slhore Yacht Thé purpbuost ýcjjj lu l hii hd ote vron a major race- the jolîrney î to gclt'Irst b md imnpresýsions ()i old JT-T ivor<l (OnuiioTU Speciai Exhllit In lieu of a cup, Mrs. James Simpson s erecting a speciat floor exhibit which to t< lie of the many features of the t (gs ihie arrangement classes will )e MLrs. .Mark W. Cre;ap, Woodley 'oad, \'nek Mrs. John.B. Pirie, "ke Vor"est, and Mr,;. 0;.NW.Dynes, liiisdale. Mrs Dynes is the newly 'lecîteÀ chairnmnof thie Garden Clubs fi mrîaand xvas chairni iofthe (Continuied on page 10) NIembers of the Wilmetl ic lodge will hold the final ing of the season Wedne5 temiber 22, at Mission Hill club. A dinner at the clui low the afternoon's. round ,of out- Shuhi y, Sep- .'An Country abroa will fol- of «w golfing. do ,not need to travel ýlize tbe un settléd state airs. Their free press nued on page. 14) BOUSES FOR RENT BOUSES FOR SALE it is very essential tflat s have their checks sent ii tember 20. Tickets will upon receipt -of chçck.