glad to talk about our adfaîiis WILMETTE, il118 GREENLEAF AVENUE. Phone Wilmnette, 654 WINNETKA. 554 CENTER STREET Phone Winuetka 404 MORTICIAN "Te oue of Personal:Service' LADY ASSISTANT DE LU XEý AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEARS ON THE NORTH SHOR.E ___________ Il AMAIK0ECBOMY with SIILENTe ýeeg*ft 01 Burner There is stilI lime o 11 l~ie foi thie eost, toh4iiiru by eiiminating wviinter comifort iliat ulrd of 'North costly repairs. Modern engineering Shore hlomle owilers ialready enjoy brings you new econOtiy n ud1 and inte rchiai geâb ily of its ail- colilu-stl(io stanidard parts keep vour Sel-vice story nlow. HE AT 1N 817 Oak Street SER VICE CC.0 Winnetka Winnetka 3901 Oriental and domestic .rugs, car>etiltg, slip ce pers uil look brand new ai 1r they have been cleaned by the- Nelson Sysfem. I p wLA&UNDERING--DRY CLAe*ING 1210 Centrol Avenue-Corner Green Say Roud EN 1 IFALL CLOTHES 1 s and facilities. 1.