;aIniverSarý of the signing of the constitution. wiIi 1w .clifiaxé(l by a gigantic drainatic sp)ectacle ili whici more than 200 pursons will port-ray .ses ii the Ilivs of Uilited States presidentz. -l'le spý"ectacle %%,ill also. show, dramatically the -periods in Apmerican bhistory when the Coistitu- ýïtin's' sancity xvas cndangered. Wheeler to Spealc Kev'-tê sp)eakrat -the celebration wil e JBurton K.* Whfeeler, United States Senator from Montana, who * is t known for bis vie-orôtrs oppoôsi- tion to the Supreme Coufrt revision: plan., Other -speakers- will incluide many of the outsta.nding civic leaders IIItbe state and nation. Chairmani of the, Constitution Day *cOnni ittceeNIicllbas arraniged the patriotiec clebration. k .D..Walter DiJlI ScottI* president cf . ortfiwesterii îttiiversitçr. James 1l. Forgan, noted finiancial leader in 'Chicago. Is trea-" 11 trer of the cor"Iittee._ Aînongi, the.,civic leaders, rein-eSent-I IrII: variolis orgaIIIzatIoII, t-bat are takinii-,an active nart in t ie cuebraý- tilû are Thoruas L. Beeni. commnand- anIt 0; the Sns of T hdon VuturaIS (of. ilhc Civil War; William n.Hd. comnmanider of the Grand A\rîniv i the Ppu1c .\frs. Johni1'. Majeît chairmnan of t1he deta rtruiemt of pubfl"- xelfare of, Ifiniois; Col. G. A.'F Trumnbo, .l cbirmii of the Aircn is-m corîmittee. \Voodlawnî Post M7 Amneric-an Leo;atnd Richard . Gutstach. director of the. AnIti-Dt- i \n1; îterCstiiig xeatuire ot the is thai iliîev are sc) made that tlwhu k im pivo~ts like the seats td a rail- rieti c :cl. thus perînîttmng t 1h,' ci nI r"'dtitt ýîr reverse its directipi. Kenilworth Geta Bronze Bell .1 broze bel I xvii jeulurîniig i11the <hplfr maii Cvars sto hoc rotigllt to Chicago and -set up iii the Iiistuîricat garden of the Church of the HôlIy Coin- fort er, .Kenilworth. T i ,garden i ru- jned!iately joins the Etîgenle Field meý morial at the crclir.. The Ohio chape! buildin.g t(, bw cornpletcly repaired .an<l preser -eC1, a- the exçpense c th Ciiicail(' grcnp I ' <n srîng the Triject, aud \%ý 1Il!rerîtail a, 71 t. ,iinci! p>)ter thtt tGambier -i-t ra, -kliliilith, t'n 'il intti,'Prlinipira( i-ilearirX', GOES TO CORNELL 'I f ti vbaekl$<'fre i Ni ~, rCri ,we, 234 N aluiglIi r a a l W7ttI.Ç .p??,d, it muist haavefi wkcd smîti ke t/is. It lùeks,-lt<'S(11ZOCIV - lI'r. l- Iue-ýda%:t i îrm /),i'i set/eboard of . Iru.tce's as ju.çt iau 'bc iricd thi1- wrdcn mg (to ii 36fî't) imt ni ritv to ci l i tii' lii - lII! a/Id rthiinycf t heirmiqhi/tlt*É - rht' tte.MisI cbr . \t _________________________a__11 rIiîntgra iuate (n I e\attuummal lt-a' iîi lInct l:î k eahilting nuîî:î. PrsreE up etof Historic îrdetl'.-a Wsînt i . 1tFtm t \,u sCri îx\ ereinr t Old Ghurch Near Gamnbie«rOhio iRev.. Lefand H. I)anfortb Su - e mhIia etiing ef tht-ret itdrof fpervi ses- Trans fer to Clucago xvas M the early u.<rt (if the itinie- t-tttcenitniry that farnruers iii the cern- AIiii îtliî l tv-arIes a ()ibnt hîtunit-v àamile and a haif îîurtheast of j \%,vrinl it the middle \wet bas bclk~ i )G(aibicir, Ohi), set about tlu establish islied throtigh the transferent,ê..te(l hi- an Epfiscopal church, They quarried thu cai,, eto a lilsteriical Ohio chapeli atitîrd ttIt- rtîm a nearby hili cuctt the trees, KENILWORTH FIRE I~ ~ ~ ~~d n iaarg an Palk l c'-.ntmtuaed an$109 t foe i lîtik t~ t deparî .11-u T h'lmît's , RETURN FROM WEST cago will he one of ithe greatest In 1 the country. 1"The rumible of \vars and civil strife across the seas serves to D)oint out to us, ai! the tmore clearly." said Mr. Mfiner. 'that we should .be tlbatkftit For the foresight of those who drew up alnd signied theConistitution, oee haf t1i< grea'tes;tdouetexr i- tell." Wilrnette K. of C. Teamn spenCti .tyyôr h Mr-~. Oio.iî,. ind(ows for the chape!, \whicb h "pre~~ aioare beiing brought to ChIicago--, were ____ - ~given by earlv Bishops of Ohioý and BEGINS STIJDIES Discovered by Mr. Danfoi-th ;.nld Nr.C. .IL s,1 '514Frtîu- MIodemn transportation and the de- amtiti.. i lka>t Satunda to enter h.- vultîtrut-t of nearby towns, took awav;' frt,-,ln;tmm x'ar atKlmoc froui the chapel nuiany of its earlv sp Fl <r bri thtr, Heward.. will be a tr-b. P)orters, and in ulime the cbiurch fieu inltI mail :1 <rbettr îierivi 't?rearThe PNèv Nlr. Daniorth dtus- y< ur. Mr. aiid NI rs. W..Rcn~î,b Keîilw eorth a xeniî, KNxnilwî<th, arrived *home 1asi wtke froin Monticeto, Cal., .whcre htv potit tht- pa>t fouir urges tb' îse' -1 and raitiiig to ,offer ti ,tr ,aders,, .cîîuîcil iii ésted in ( Girl Sc -oop 3-sept. 23, Il :n'Pý .11che; Mrs. C. Mi. 1.ighJ 'oop 5--sept. 22, ;:tt . .Ie h'n churei ; Mi ss v u It~.'it'i *1~. Pue-s hy- )y. ~in., ~t. Foi nit t), 1 , .,