Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 3

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PARENTS' NIGHT Plan to Dedicatef IS IAUGUATED Memorial Organat 'BY P. T. A. GROUP 'lleGaeTui ae pipe organ, gift of Mrs. Eager's hus- ('Xe-,ral1"-ureI Association to j baund. Frank R. Eage 1r, now nleaàring HoId Firs-t of Four Night conpletiou in the First Preshy.terian' Mleetings Next Tuesday clitrchi of WilMette, ' vi Il be dç;dic ated Fridav evening, Septemlber 24,, at 8 Xiiîoai<îta rnî,~tih ocIQ)ck. it Yiti n '.ual in tcre st.ini the villageihiS 'The special dedication service wvil1 faladxi~tr~ao. h'pan f'lri gseveral noted artists to ,t' the, Central ,aukl Pareilt'ici-r cliturcli, iincludiuig Edgar 'A. Nelsoin. asi ît i 1(ard i hold tolir gen- -organ ilad iirector of music at t h( era inuitiii i ithtassciat ini l tr- irs lresbvteriau cliurch of Oa iug ue Var. > li (leR~lit> lat arkid J. Parnieil E, tnr I'ruî s Nk ii~.' lTe fi r:t ofti t nI tu t.l 'urch antd concert singer. III~~~~ ~~~ V'U c.wlII iI lel ' 'catît'n ob serv'ances ~ilh. n i ~ iîttuLr21. at 8i 0. hick-kiffuiolie elirtctioli of N sErmna. 'he -<na :n ii e flyi i S rt, [',Iîdýorganist - of thé' 1rett ilI ieîî u, Iarch and NIa v. To Hear N. U. Expert licxt Wiu I)iscuss Red Cross "tlii-. tht boardl las secturci!a,-; ;eak,- Hospital Service Plans ,-r, Prof.. .'V'IcS at ' n1ie 0f ht Dtirttilit a dua ion t lMr>. Irene &dechairmiaintoftue' Norlîw~ten îî~ierstv,~vh x'î ralv 1ads'hospit al service of tUe( talk~~~~~~ Irmi iitt uht-,*zE 'iago rateAinerican dCr.. catiottal . ia'à îî, ncdtittthe service will cftla fathe \\'il "f th hold. its anmalasetl at 2 co'c1ksc' Schols." ' ondav, Steptembe)r 20, iii the oh Folowig te gn&a a ~uîbl.roont, first floor, Blackstonc hotel1. parctits arc to, meet teaclher> iin tlicir fo r thse rvice drlrinz thecoin- RESIGNS URGE VILLAGERS TO SHARE WITH LESS.,FORTUNATE' Father -Neumann Sounds Stir- ring Appjeal; Prepare for..Big Drive, OctQber 5 The Rev.1 J. A. Neumnann, pastor of *.St. Josephs CathcI;c chut-ch. fired the i)penhllg gun of the 1937.Wlnwt * ommunity Chest cantpaign at the finial -svnphonv (irchcstra concert in tte aminliatua1r \ dîedvoflast During the internîîssion the Rev. Father *,eumann wsitrdc v 1. .'.A î~ b"~Li coiivinculig talk, challuged \ViInitte t10ýniake the> i193i7 LiiIT lity(est a bil-g-r' and lietter chiest thian ever beforu. '\Ve shwe ast year \wh',t c'îIld de lie assèrted with eniasis. "Now let us make atnother advaîîce tliis year -id adlequIately prîwý1lide r thosu Kê'Ii'îg ~ ageucies that so weIl surve our coin- Kelogg11101, inlunit,." Shoulcl Be Willing to Share iii.V I ' J<î > iiitj'n<n îftii' Renlinding his hearers of the dut>- tiitiW' iîfifhjtt" 0 tlt'Î<'îiî hey oWe to nleedy mlenl ,vwonen and wiîth Iii!/(iîîutd; '6 'î'iqn'd children, the ;peaker conchlded.: "The laxI S '/kfP t/uIt b(Od iî'CaU1SC Of ii f r.W l.Tineti are verv fo'rt1naute to etnooi uh'tetra-in~îg itraintt*m'-L .'afl 'hi b'uiing. C nilcCctal(lasses are to begin work Septenuber Mr zî;îc . rLD? fi)l.10S The Chest campaign opens on Oc- Mrs Seaonh~Chrg . 2.tO hprVi'.1'tf Ui '1prit., ]<)II. tober 5 and continues through Oc- Next Tumasnecting wili U1,,-- in of the Chest association reports that chrg o Nrs C G Seaon pe'Mi o e xenillwvL Lii rr peruy LU Itht! recruiting of -workers is ern ident of tilt?. board,. who will iniroduce tijlu îtion. The plan of organization' other mne rs of the, board. who F c o f iu e n N ~ îe(Ctntinuied on' Page 7) are: Mrs. lHoward Facellertuvice-N ew Drs- ident: Ms.Milton Bowen, secre-tary, anid Mrs. Franklin Sciick, treasurer. iTxDUqece rn oei ob îre on hr r 3 New Teachers on Staff Chairnwn of comnmittees wiaso Parcels Into Jeopardy more which have been forfeited once > Of Sehool ini Kenilworth be presentced. including the following., and wvhich will bc stubjected to fore- Three teachers joined the staff of the !'fr. Plilli,> Green. T11èflt1rlip rnîr nrhbi fretd secondljoseph Sears schéol, 'Ke'ilworth, with ent precinicis. ,Many.rVI l .asses Voters 'are tirged to register on Saitc ute eesdb h t 1he first' date, Septemiber 27, to ttiisfuhéreaedb te avoici possible. inability to register village. office indicate that, besides on the second date, October 5. the 59 parcels now in oréclosure pro- ____________________________ceedinigs, apd the 25 in w'hich action daerit ilmts johin G. Hinc ivill se.rve as g the. M lUrs. retarv.

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