W il iaiso accýept yo)ur 'ftrniitiire 'oit -riiînnet basi, Establi!shed 89 I ii- nersori St., Evan*ston Uni. 0189 _______ _____1 30LTN43.tfu WEBLY FLI-tNITURE, RUO, BI('A-RAC ME'S& wom- eel's clothinlg, Shoes, etc. Poie lo Uni-'ý ven';lty010 923('hiagoAv'e., Eva-tîs- WýVII'TON VE'LVET RUG, 15xl12. 1 FÔRUAEMSLINOU HAL&STAIR enE TO MATCH.- -- AMTIICAN BEAUTY COLOR. \VALN UT CHKiTEITI1)Ef OziteIi. 11111 for all. $50 roînipetc. dr.xver. Studio tUe. Valnut radzli Wîîîntka 35. Sil mah. coi. dî*sk. ( nîx x eOlffee t lbhi i 2L1'I ~- ljiAl hair edli gble matress.: 26 itn.' e YER IEA. OH ~PIONIFhiy<e.320 Walnut, Wlîîîietkii. li; YE n 7 11;,iý . roli iz!,-131 LTN 1. tj jSat fîî0. gas; houer, ili iuaadl: CLART< J ENVELGAS RANGPE, Alt ;*.- 1 000 fi. r;, i ation, with .îîîî'riostat. 130~A W l,.lýT F V . Loukii iitw; er gafs lîcater 35 1gai.T radio. ? ;,h Sar ape.i k mle _______._,_HA_____I NI '1 1 M î R KMNILWOILTIl 22sle l..\ tLL"II'l'l, I.xv.A, R tUN NI;Il, ANIw:î.1:1 1-i Vil ti Itug ili:t-iing , ged ouf]. Nittllt 1i RIx oyr C(ila. o ý1 1I neitt; 1ina 1ilu en t lied, 'pi i* t, . 1ýtA'tlLu'."U IN.739J' ; I' .GrL' ;1iîtrî: ;,ni il dr, wr ,tt mid ila sf,î ir ail? go u n î*îît P iii,-. 1,uJti's. alph 1). Cushm<,u,771Gec o*~*~. w ~ j'ail W'i)wîttkýa îilG. i8'L11-1îO * ea'S/1P laIll e *N\r o fr h. ti;tl i~. et" h. I[Y( 1111. S 11 A 111 1 y l S.M A 1 1 tuV ?iVco/h'qe ofizl')(Il îc r ars. Ilc 1 24Ll'I -lt uI (iod(01(1itto .~. 23 I'1 nf ~ as <ttit i n laJ ilc frow A Ni hla irs alui,,?patit4ed wickètrcaisOld 5 W). steve a nd ptgpî"t'l mnah.'Iltrrie îr; ui u"ta" un i, 54 î T;1 ;1;No Uasoline Siiortage Il ?>14ieitwîo<, ?1,n P'E-KLENIIAT iî. L in M'exico Now, Repot W iltn 'tte 1 2 9 T, N11,i I d Wiui tî r $ 2 1 . 1 1I>h1tu'l , 1 4 t li ? a b o r tro u b lie s ]il M e x ic à n o ul fie ld s Sale oi Alntiqlue Ftwîutuire - -__which caused an actîte shortage of DV NI()VEIRS &, STORA(IE wTD. .TO UUY-MISCELLANEOUS rasoline in and around Mexico City, 712241I24. NO. CAlIKSi E ot hoeSkg have been, cieared ni), Bert Vander- ~i lEtî: VANI" ,DINNt Uith~ AL~ OU OVIO <'EAXN< warf, manager of the touring and. 'htsDon' ttrom. way (el-travel bureau of the' ChCIago.Molor $E'-BîiieiIt e~ir-4iivî'îot WIn-aw'ay vour e.xeesbggag& î sueh i. 'ug1 club.:reports. There is sufficient fuel thrpli'kI r>iiii a li ai il iîg rutpalIrs, bookq, 'mags., fritr.iiùt-availablie now for general toùirist chairs ; o 'rltui Vîîîtkî. rac. Top pritués, iînt41522.. Rfnre _________________ I't. 11 -1:,> 2 L7:-1,t;'consuimptiOn. Rfneissuppnyîngf MAPE OIHLElIE.12 4I COM19-. jUl tchu1a the Mexican capital' were shtit'd Oý%v Tu ekaler---PhiI C111,1 for a short time during a strike. DUr-. or wioali lu i , wiî'h I ligh price for furiit., %%-tslî-iig îtiu. ing the non-production period tourists 1 %_2i 1 37 teT5 Nt.t1a1res1).o f gasoline f rom the Automobile 124 àI 41 il)p eaerClub of Mexico, which obîained the TWI i OSTR --- - Juk Dale Godniîî fuel from the governmnent's-r'eserve, Rfl~1'iTVG A m'S E i lAYS: HIÇ,I1EST MAIRET 1 PI'S ___________ (;AS ST'iJ'IJE f 1111.1î E A E t)EsE~ 1'rl hônîe WlCte 4t an't Take It, Eh? ell WE 12LT]~~t1> Here's Reason Why Not: XV ILL PUY YdUît ,BOUKS. \ýIS1t' private tib'uri-S. 'I cll. Wil, :">_,i. i W heni Noah' B eery, Jr., decliîed to ilcl';9-î enter a tennis touirnameuit 'récenîtiv on~ne f lhs Çren, i(-L',til-,,4 ensemble to open the third "History and Enjoymeit of Music'.' scries at 8 o'clock WVedîîesday evèning, Septcniber 22, ini Thorne hall, East Superior street anîd Lake Shore drive, Chicago., The. serles is presenited by the Uiversi 1ty colIege- o>fNrtveer ivri. Philip 'NIanu el and aiWiiîuo, with their associates I)orntiv L.aîwi and Dorothy 'Brown, xiip11ayvthe Iiari)si- chord,' sphtiet, and octavin;t. the instru- nients Îfor which Bachi anid iii'. 1 rvruîî- ners c tti1>tsed thvir fUs~ ie vi be acomnpanieci by. a- iij f (hica go artists, L e4miard.8rki bint. N'iIl- ton Preves, playVer 1ol, tht v jia iazcl NIeisterlitîg, ontraitîi. ai i <l. îg Bisiîî p, tenor. Play Early Mutic I'riingnîig ith theii t-',îîrh( l t1wir lainous iînsýtrunwný-it>. Iulit i ,r theum 'ir- P>aris and ,lpattertiutfait(-r the lhar1»I* ciiord u by l ah uuu~Ithe t \1u- tiel aiid1 .,iVîIliainstmîe sembl)e xvii Play a pw gra11 in f eatrl Ii strumentl îusic 1) tht hidi ý c a o~r.Pur ce Iland il wr 1, rchC , Gur, 111<111, il(i Italian 111l uj ia e . i4 NI r \l antuelx and Ni r. 11W ýIlii l ( )11 vii take part in the C luîîita clcture, Vorerunners of I Ch 1 li-t rîieu u:ta il ieadîng Ainerican Cxi f eu~I~tlie harp- siciiord, (uxvîî four (f théuii 1<of thc ..regai -ceubialo" typ e if iiirumnient iii. theý Ulited States. 'rl!fiut\îî rUts ý ataChicago imusical Hig iii 1<D, anid fo)rred a two-piann' teani in11)22. Tiiev becamne iîterested In ftue'hirpsicho rd foîlIcowing a visit *to Iai in 192(). iw thait tie they have devýýotud thuir. tlinie tii rusearch and ,stii(l- ii the fie!ld tif alicit'iit iusic and t, tcaC 1n the harp- sicili>)r(1. They fhave itade oncrtai-, .Sta1tes. Promnent in. Ch'cago Circ les iXîth are p)rcrniinetit in imical h Lu ý UuIic-ag> as are the. înajwrity of artisîs be, hpresented ini the eJvenThorntlbali 1conICerts of tie 'flisttorv -anîd Ej in of Msc series. These conicerts a-re ail open to the publi.Rraic. ~fojr tue 1surles rnay now be[,I. niade at the t~îv sitv.c1dige, 313 Eas1,t ('hiago vli .;t~.ui.- , l2î~'ANI) î,AL 2 1>UJ;i' lut> S>UINS .Xiî 11l4 Meimlln, violhulist, Jaiay9; N'arian Anîderson, contralto,Jaur16.Von sky-andt biiluopaîsslana 30; anthe Uic icaL),o Prçlmierc of tli(-Saiz- btirg Opera guüild, Februarv' 13. P 1ICT 1- AR PRtIMPAU * I**~~, t JflJA.tiI~~'I, j'.~ t TON AVE. GI~F~NCOE 2~.5.. 1.1IING R 0OM SEF-T ~Ci..nahg.12, chairs;, large table a.nd sidboad.Exci. colid. W'ili selparate.