How about a homle witfl a cheery firefflace?, Ali <,Idel. inh wi xth 1ot-s (Pl. ph e~.Ir yoil have. a flare for r .n od e 1 l esec tfhI!s, ,ll- h nî'- fiour *large e- rooîîps, 21il ie baths. A 11vinLe rool'i o f 1unU1sual. harrnu.. Il10- fi. ]lPt %ell 'Wcoded ail <"(-,,i vt-IIntlnt io every'uhing. $21,4<011. Large (Olenciie hu.-en pl1het e 1.%:'ed.'cora ted. 2-eau' ait. TIrîîi ~414lia ths. Sun. porch u-a ra ge Ilargt..lix iig rooram trcie Dîh <i1 otn4aid; Only 50k Three sicres of grond-lng- Ilsh brick hotine-6 bedrmis. 4 bathq - MIlheat. Owneir rnove-'i away qnd reallW want.s to seil. $52,000.00. INC. 11,,71 Shernian Avýenue - Rog. 2616. tlnIv; 2600. Esa. ?\WMOI'EUN BR1ICK COL-ONIA,: W'iiuntt t; Oroonuis, 1V2 bths lrigtpieestaniul e * Kqhlur liX tlirUS, mtlwahy 11ul. 1,11\ ihîl s l' )vlanie xith $3000 f, . '- ,- S ,0, . Sillh- lm S W. \in. 2700. B1 i. Is55 11 -T TN lO- 11c >Cms ana Sazct sieepiJl*t6 pV* tC. H. W. hleat with ail burner. 1,4a clous attic.', 2 car garage, concrete drive. A' well constructed home an-d a real buy at $13,500. INDIAN HIILL ESTA.Tf SECTION: -HIere s au opportuity ,to acquire àa goun(l.4> bdrm., brick home at a >iie below today's values. Owner anxious to, sel and will consqider a i'easo;nabie offer. Very lare iving rooi, -2 baths, Il. W. 011 heat, iextra T & L lst. floor. Siate rocef. 2-car7 garage. I'r-ice $18,00". Several-choice homes l.5stilI avail- able for rent. - 111LTN 1te New Georgian Home Op4Qn every day 1, to 4 p. m.. 1.31 Thornwood Ave., Wilmette KENILWORTH 'GARDE NS, DISTRICT)> IPRCE$200OO0 7 ROOMS, 4 BEDIIOOIMS, -2 TILE baths, mcrteeneê terrae, off- living rooni- sun deck, off bedroom -lava- tory ln powder room -on first filoçr. P.eereation roorn and lavatcory in base- tii"-it. 2 natural frepaces-2-c<tr gar. side drive, instilated. Winter tir co4ný- ditiuning unt gas fired. .Wm. H. Wright & Co. '1 Mtîui St En., (ireenfleaf 4880 ilLâ dl(Lkx.l li Mi'v. R. Johnson, '522 Davis St. Hol01. 55. Gu'e. 1855 on1 the Ncar North 'Shore lIAS BVERY C MOT AND cu xemuice plus, Very 10w taxes. Wu have I iuýeS to rerit and lhomes for sale and lovely homesîtes, open W. 5Î717 G. RUGGLES &,CO. DAVIS STReET, irv.%NST3,oN UNI. 6886 HIOL. 688&6 WIýL. 1660 HAVEYOt.J BEEN LOOKING. Foi- a two. bath homne undeu $13l,000.00.,? This house lias heautîful . wooded lot, fo ur hed rooms :and l is a.afint. residentiai section of easl W il mne tt e. Owner most anxious ta sell anId, las re- duced the price. several thous- and dollars to hellp quivk action. W. G.RGIF< & CC). el]'.DAVIS,' .STRI,',T, EVAN;STOIll' EAST1 WINNET 1KA ýýlK'LL>M j)() WE 11AVM~TWO (IS5 IN S11iTC 'EXCEILLENT CoNP>ITI(>N At $15,000 a claplhouad Colonial on beaIu- tiful lot wvith rýock gardlen. pool, scrt-en unmrhouse. Larige living rmi. and diuing rmi. doneý in wite, butlur's panliry, bik. p)ch., unusuialiy large, ase î)tdriii. and i drssing rim.,oi lit. A t $35.00 a hjte crenstonie.timn Colonial facing, the lake. 6 herm,> l'a th-s, la igt sérecux pch, A lholise ou i-uohathl *v havp diodlî. ivtr oh tli JucCd iithe'irc olîjal ini a gl.ouji i iîwtiio-si fo(i<f trans,, schools anid hoîî., 19i:;(;figures. IRVIN A. BJI AN EXQUISITE HOME AND A BEATJTIFU1.4 LOT, 50xiS50 Near transp. and sehiools iniWlmto -3-bedroomis-tiled bath and shower- woodburning frpaeYu-cani't huli but want It when you sec it. Oniy $10,500I' HEIL & HEIL I ý2,2- Chicago Aeulxas~ l)AVis 18]19 Oer Iak.;îe ot ouenJoy the comifort r nilstsiato of an, older homi* e ln au 'exeluisive en virontnient, p*erhapq th0i 7 yîoill Oue ini éast Xilmette near the lakrc mil "L*' INil! apr>tal to yQu. Tt-. phe a fj< rt ,tsonabl-only v$9,;5<), SMART & G01.,r.,,c. 15,64 Shermnant Ave.. Ex ans~ton. -Wil. 248f, BOND -ODR O TT E ANXIOUS TO LIQU! DATE 175 Lake Street, Glencoe. 7rms., 2 baths, attachied garage, glazed. îiorch, hot water oi1 heat. Lot 5.l9 Sho,î appolntment. City National Agencv 0)F.' VANSTON, INC. 801%ais St. Rm. 400 Gr.41 -1---11lLTNI94-Itp IN THE HEART OF THIE PPL iÂil R Foad sýction of Winnetka, Wo' ot'ffer this attractive Georgian brick Colonial at a price -of $31,500. 8 largo ro 1s lovelY bedr-Ooms, sltieping Porch, 21, tile baths, solariums adjoin- ing living and dining rooms. Beautiful 100 ft. lot. 2- car garage. Shown nnlv by apîîmn r T PT 1 -4T A L' T, rlooms, 6 baths-, lavatory. ýLIay b ourcasedfor less tluai n-hîto * teiril4el' land ] ,fjtjî, W rite A-] 2ýi, IN NI SECTI-ON 0F GLECO mastr bdroî~s,2k' balislarge lot; oit heat; 2 car ,wa ig(. Prieed for -dy's arl'tMr'. Nwa NEW DU'TCH i. rs..gas1726 geht-at, LONIAL HOME. %LLNUT rconditloni-d. Buqi- g'P ale. 11ITN19-Ite 4490. [ 526 Cen