Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Sep 1937, p. 61

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w Rates 2b conts a Uine. Advert1afementq run tin al, t hre e p a pe r MINIMUM! CHARGE O'qF DOLLA R., Average of tive wordq to the line. No black face type uted. 80%f dlr4rbant on al cash adverttme mente when brrnjght. to out office at 1232, Central Ave., Wilirete;* 5i~ Uncoîn Ave., -WInnetka, or !141 Park Ave.,..Giuncoe. 10%o discount on al, ftdvertîsemfents run tour consecutive Issueès. Dednefr nein s cl-gl,fttd advertlsementa willîbe ac WILMETTE LIPE or all three papers ; Wednegday . .forWNNIA TALK and Thurmday 6 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones': Wilrnette 4300 . Winnetka 20100 .('Witrnetka .600 atter S P. M) Greenleaf ý4300- or Rhelâdrake 1216-1217. INSTRUCTION JilIliior Ikin1(engatt.1 '~.- dz-îhss.adlon. Ifage 30A-L'l'NI 1'- ts- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS____ S~'L ALE~: VIOLIN, STRADV1t~ susNIsdl, i~idas - new. 2bow5', t ti îlo-il s-tse. $2,7'. saxophi>îue. C- HId a Vr-~s-l madîe. Fitîw tas- 1'I..\ Y Lit I'IS. i Iluiceriug 11<imball. 1 -W L - PETS CHIlRISTNE ANIMA1, MO-SPITAL< 1J\f i~Jar i îU d. AN colTl, M P i i~lN2i WEARING APPAREL. SM M Elt 'LEU ~4îjs-bl~.' 14 t(i) 20 PA'TTE D.REýSS S in 'Wiîîi-kn VE. Xinuetka 2.774 A GRA YhI i >K I N 'C AT IN EXCEL- 1.-i 'sstdjniî. Sx. 14. t: its value. __WANTED TO UUY-CLO1JHINGJ O$$(>t GLOTJ11flS $$ \V n-iil 4 11 i , U-E thh.' wtei-k. ill îa y lî,stpî-~-s.W i c (al or lîring I~r o Marins.Clhting ,Store 12 itv-.Evn111 uV uuversity 2220 BUSIN4ESS PROPERTIES 1%I NVIiST1MENT NEW ODEN BUILDING LEASEL) I., hargi- c-ha lu store in excellent prvnNs îrth Shore -loctionl. 011y -cx- ')-S are tax.-s and insurance. This isdefou-st typc (of sectîred investme1(nt. $21.00 fauih î *irdAcddess A-1Il! lhux i;o. iuiniettu, 111.. 6llTN18-2tp) $.OAN~S, VP Tu ý30.Cff On ion O.xvn Sl)ignture* *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A D îîo h \l I."S Ation . Generais $15$2 0 Seconds .$15-U18 Ç ooking $15-M3 * Generais$1 AIFo Beginners' Jobs Shorline Empi. Agency 746 ELM »T-., WINNE'1KA COMP. WOM4AN - SERVIN(; DIN- NERS. CLEANINQI DAY WOR>K. CARE, FOR CIIILDRkN EVES., AND SUJNDAYS. BEST REFS. CALL MORN'- 1INC OR EVES.: WINNET,,KA 650. __________________ 68LTNI9-îtp, 'WNTD--WRK BYT H E 1-ÀAY. N ursilig. ýooinig, serviitg, cliabing, h. r rplain swn.Suîîday din- ni-rs anîd te.as a iýpeiaI >y. LtesU refs. "UVtIII go aiiywh-ert!. Glei.wcie 14 11L ______________________681,TN15-4tp Completent White W îa Waints hou.sitwork by day. 1tefttre-n(-.s-. 'aIl Winnietka 102.. 68LTN19-ftp i'XIC.AND REIABE WITE, %%JStn Wishs ei -nntday. work fijj) wo days a 'week-4.00 per 4fty» Re<s.~ furnshcdif' desired. Phone Wilinette LI71D. 6XLTNIq-Itp) WOMAN, W111TE .WITHI 15 YR$. . iauiîdry txper'lence -wishes to take tin washing. Lirt4ýfnAwàahed and stretch- ,d. ('ail for and deliver. Greenleaf 7S1111.6SLTN19-2tp l'iWLIABle\ E <1, 'OLO)RED WOMAN wansgenîeral housework with small f;r5l.No lamindry. Fine co>ok, ecl SMALL ADULT FAMILY. DREXEL 1649. ____________________68LTN19-ltp XVAN TED: WHOLE QR PART TIME wvork by bookkeeper who can take isîeot' coiete set of,.books. Address A-1,2:, Bo-x 60, Willnette, 111. 6 8L TN1 9- ltp.i COLORED M.NIDDLE-AGED WO]MAN wishe.s general hoùwieWork. No launi- dry. (Ioocd refecrences. Cali My, Iencoe 73.__________________tiLTN19-p GEN ERAL OFFI'CE ' VOR1K. ALSO, expi.-rieniced as D-r.'s ýassstant, and, Sitrli. oard op'tor. Cal) Gre. 6007 imorn- ings or evenings. 68LT'INl9-Il s:i.OWDWOMXN, LALTNDIZESS OR- h ai iug. A-i1e rne goodf worker.. -$2.50 .and c,-arfarýe. CaII aftur 6 :2;0. Drexe) ie psl e nyt<ri rireh WHITE OR COLOREP Shorline Empl. Agency 716 HLM \1 T. WINNi TIKA 3012 XVATEI 1Y YOUNG NLAN GRADi- ..uaté studlent atteleding sc'hool In WIi-ý netk-a place to:work for room and breakfast bY tending. furnace,1 doing heavy. cleaning, drlvjng. Tel.. Winftetka 281.69LTN19-l.tp EXP. GIDEEGR.Ei1,NHOUSE exp. 15 vears on north. shore, seeks :teady job or day work. A-i refs, Irish. GoOçl driver. Quinnit, H. P. 122. 69 LTN 19- ltp (1 (ii) RELIABLE EXP.- COL. MAN Nvishes position as chauffeur and gard-, ete-Good houseman, 20 yearé last' plave (sInce boyhood). Glencoe 281. PA',%INTINx';, . 'RHAXIIING, DEC- oral ing int.-rîor or> exterior. 2.5 years experiec. Estirnatés chee-rfully given. Prices reasoriblê-. Tomi Wosser. Wil. 1g79. fi14TN-ltp EXPERT GARDI'NIR Wants. wor.K by. t le hour, day or con,- tract. CaIl Wilrnette, 307l.ý PR1 VATE CHAUFFEI;tF FLIPINO--. A- . eal'5 ' Txperienctl,.,Age 24. Stigle A-1 rncs Phonîe MXariano, Glen- coe 1343. 64L19-ltp fEXP. COLORED INMAN, NORTHI SHORE i-efeiýei(-( heqday worlk. Ask foi 'FiooeFo.ster. Gluncoe 1001. ________________________69LTN19 -ltp YARD WO1RK AND WVIN DOW WSH- ing by exper. high sc-hool gradua.te Winnetka 3054. 6iîLl9-1t sITr. WANTitn-MAL.E AND FEMALE DOMUESTIC P EOPI<E NuW IS THE TISIE TO %% îîiîjette ý171 Dais17777( RELJABLE HELP COUPLES - MAIDS Get on the list for Good faIl op-,enings. BE ST 0F .WAGE S Car 1s o ns Em- L. gency SIS Élmi St. Wiinnetka 1175-1176 701LTN15-tfc WE HAVE~ I '<s I ,,ola r- 14. LadY's gray. tail( l8. Boy's higi-to[p shoes-5. qutic1< sale. Wii. 1046.. 1212 NIENS SUITS, SZES 40' A and 70. Also girl's n î>late' sirt 1Ze 14. G $fa horline Emnpi. rge EXSP., WHITE COOK f90. steadY ernployineflt. C Itp [Ken 55P9. atteni .ltc,

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