Aig to discover tlihewriter of a series )f poisen ptexï letters to filin ta.~ Under, the Red Robe. <v Wol)with Victor Seastroîn ias (il- r V.ctio-r. The cast i,,conmpost-t if Xiinabeila. (:unrad-\eîdt. Rayinî'>ncI \fNcaîîilRuonîîîev Brent. "Flic fiu.iisx l donc, and is in ter- ~~~~i~~ în.I rve -apolitical S;ittia- -ion duriing the. mie ,of ,tihe Ct dom tli C.Ir(itial . icli.viii., The costùînes, Aid nutch tio tle at.tractîvvenvsif tlue nct tre. Wee -Wàl:e Winikie., (20thi, Yox. i i onFord, (irector. 1 eliple, Victor N LgeC Sýmith, lune Ililig. Ccntumy S h i rh-v -~Rudard KRpliîng' s soyhas hecn înost charmingiv adapted ior: Shirlev ,Temple andl preselits lier a *a more mature. ac- tress who captivatted Sthe audience, c,,s pecially t h ý ellnc who lauglied lonur thari the wonîvîî Or the childr en," i,; th<. Victor Mc.aglenl>1,mt t)f thu ruw Shirley as Weve Willie ik div grandchid of Colonel Williamn, woIs 'tatimnI(.din India .with; rrtsîregîrnett, cre.atez a iltuati iini ýn ,vhich Khoda Khan, à x ra Park yakark us, radio uid scrcew j1unster, is pie. for the. cartoonists. IlIere is a new version of a dist.orted trcatînent. of onie of thic stars ini "NwFaces of 1931." Hces (o be SCOP SMMoin ni -Thle 1. Lieof the !>rv, »tiiisli-ili conedv, with Joc Jeîînr, Geize Ravînond, V~ictor The pay was good and there wasa general exodus of' those xvho are booked as "'scre.en extras" froni. the, vicinity of Central. avenue, Los An-, geles "Little Harlem,".to thc Univers- ai backiot, where tests were conidiit-. Ail day long they hurr-*Iecd to the studioïc, but the najority of thcm de-- pated .even i fasterwheti inforinécd thatthey miust work in proxirnity.for sevemal, we eks .to; a black cpanther, leopards, lions and other "cats" wvhich -illý furnish' thrills inithe prodlurtion1. "don't ai to0be no 'ersoa' sausage mecat for no hungry lion," said onie eXceptionaiiy indignant ac- tor. Frankie é omsanTrances. Rob- inson wvîll play the lead roles in this production, which is an adaptation of the farnouis newspaper cartoon ,trip. Federal Theatre Plays Are Offered at Princess The Chicago Federal theatre an- notmces that "An Eveninig of Short Plays" opened at the Princess theatre, 319 S. Clark street, Friday, September 3, "iThe Long Voyage Home," by Eug-ene O'Neill, "Love and H-ow to Cure It," by Thornton -Wijder, rs., Fr1., Sat., ""SUPER SLEUTHI" jaick -Oakle -Ann Sothern Edgar Kennedy Also- Leon Errol Cornedy - Bill Corum-S'port -Cartoon -Nelws Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Sept. 19-20-21-22-2 "IITHR OADIBACV"' Eýrich Maria Remnarque's Sequel to "Al Quiet on the Western Front" Also-AIi Color MsclRevue 'HOLLYWOOD PARTY" Cartoon- Néws Fr1., -"a t., Sun.,. Sept. 24.25-26 "IWUEzlWILIB WINKIE" Shiirley Temple -Vlctor )IcLaglen GETS OMEDYRô-1 hree hundred and fifty guests as- f3vriny Ba e . DaYs tLw mt f nebled at Paramount for a special eleato oeraorin the-cîney Creole lunicheon to honor C. B. De- " noveaýton being poduccd hy Mille on his 56th birthday anniversary !Emraiiîuel Co Il" . A. Du tponi i watch the officiai start his 64th Airectîng and Stulla ArdIvr, Johini motion picture, "The Buccaneer," in Pa,, ne, Graint Richards, Isabel Jewcll which Fredric M arch, Franciska Gaal, mird Luis Aiherni head the cast. Margot Grahame and Akim Tamniroif 'UNE ANTUNES PIANO TUNERS ^ND WUPAIRKUS 11 ELMWOOD AVENUS KVANUTON Phone Univeftity 1677 Trhurs, Sept. 16-Last Day "-1UNDER TUE, RED ROSE" conrai Veidt -Anitahella Plus "IIYOU CAM'T DEAT LOVE" lu Fost~ * Juan F I admies LL ept.