0ý IIU' al le r a s~unni r ver a L~ke cetetery. spenit ini travel anid rsuarch li 1 cc Mrs. Mur,soji, a residcnit ofte land and the ScWdia linntions, Couilylnity for 18 years, is surv ived, vaapaelvlgodhitand besides lier husbanid, by a on, Ricli- attcnded a teýacliers' mlectinig that dav' ard V,, -and by three grandchildretn. at the school. E-ducatcd .at alparaisýo and Indianm .P 'o no oe unîi'crsîies, lic rccuivedl'is master' dcgrcc at Nortlîwestcrî ni.iiiversitv. as Builder Diec a and' was ail assistant tliere for a yea r bcfore joiniing tb 1c'bigbi scbool facult:. -H orne on North -Shore Hc was ciccted tô Sigmya Xi, hoonôbrar%, joýhn fp. O'coîînlor,. 718 Eimwuud ave scientifle ýfrat uit v'-for the 'bigb nueWilmette, noted building contrac- stand(ards of biis ..ulbolatrship, anldlhe tor, I)asscd awav at bis homne last Sunl- Nvas ,a life inleiliber of ftic State 1iynec was (j9 ycars of age. aca<lemvof science, whichi lic bad Born i canc ieroe oCi a(lJrusu( onseera ouasirN.I .ýà'go at flic age of 18, and his first joll, wa.-< active Ili t lie affâirs of -the, Iz7aak iln, fie citv was that of timekeepcir. TU \\alto il luag nu>, atnd ivsresîdutbf I910 lié foun',dcd the. P. anid J. WX. t b Eanto uapter at the timne of .Connlor . fim, ih is brotlher, and 111S Ilat. upcrvised the crcCtioîî Of imanly of tlîc MI unuor1l a ux c \vveu eld at thé ji )table )tii(iings iii the .city. amnong Suýot t ciiaî>u l IIlA i o~I101n Miîîav ;'huin:tflc lackstone >theater, the Cliii- uvunurxvt bfanra riesand buriil'.Mria iai bospitai. Carson, ,Pirie, at -Iut iîg l1ild., <o \edisavScu 'ttamind n hoeacplant, fthe 0 Re.E.F o 1-rkiiL INSTALL .Mic.aîd 1) F. IIhern of Stenl- (lai, mnd., anîd b%, x itur() Miss lKau~. an Nirs.C\\ '( \Vbuinn.of Last Rites Are Held for Norman McArthur mna 0 eî NIM cA t ur 2.50 M ary f vcci, ( lejcc(-, passud a unv a t the 11i ne s M eniorial hospital last 'Sat- * urday. FuniîcaI services were heid at the Glenicoe Uion clîùrcb Park avenue and Green Bay road, on-Monday, ami wcre condtictcd by the Rev. Doulglas ,.11. Cornieil, iister,,c of the chuiycb, aii by Ilhe XV"illetkýa *post of the Cimiricari Lugioni. laiterinent un's at -Mr. McAnthur, xw'lo coîîducted a * plumlbing esYiibmî ' t1 bu îortilk hlorv, was born ini Indianapolis in 1893. the min of 1)anjol and Rebecca [K, McArthr. 11u is sîîrvived b-v hi, IHEDALE Firprof areh ouses, STORA]'GE of Hou 'ehold G dods 1723 Denson Avenue WUlmet 1 Giencoe'1332 Winnetka 1332. Hlghbland Park 181, CRANE HEA'TING JT FUEL COSTS.U If you wish tg fre youýrsef from hbestin worries tliis wintes,-now s the urne té loe. ~ ~tigate all the comforts à deendable c&C«a Mfake your able this w in£s Boule: Name......................................................... Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sta... ... .... ...... .... ... ....... ....ai UNJ- 9300